Let's educate the public about HIV/AIDS

Let's educate the public about HIV/AIDS

We all keep in mind World AIDS Day on December 1st as an ongoing fight against this global health crisis. By promoting awareness and education and supporting those who are affected, we can create a society free from disgrace and discrimination.?

Did you know?

* HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, which weakens our immune system and makes us immune deficient, making us prone to infections.?

* Only body fluids like blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk transmit it. And, it cannot be transferred by usual contact like kissing, hugging, or sharing utensils.??

* Currently, there are more advancements in antiretroviral therapy (ART), which helps people live longer and healthier lives. Also, it helps to prevent transmission with proper care.

* If you are at risk, get tested regularly, and get free counseling offered by the government, and treatment is essential for managing the condition effectively.

?* Discrimination and social bias continue to be major problems in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.


How can you help?


* Educate yourself

* Get proper counsel and regular testing if required.

* Support or volunteer with organizations fighting HIV/ AIDS.?

* Stand up against stigma and discrimination towards HIV/AIDS in society.?


Join us in making a difference!

#WorldAIDSDay #HIVAwareness #EndAIDS
