Let's do an introspection (Part - 2)
Niranjan O.
FDD (Financial Due Diligence)| Transaction & Restructuring Services Advisory | Ex- Big 4 & GS
After gathering the interesting facts around leap day {per part - I}; now we are entering into the curious & reflective state. Get yourself buckled up for the unchartered journey. Promise to keep my words to go for a deep-dive. Here we go!!
As an accountant by profession; it's in my habit to do a periodic review whether it is a financial statement or life. While i did a review of today with last leap day (i.e. 29th Feb,2020); i went through a series of self-questionnaire in a nutshell:
What i was doing that day/year;
Where i was (Travelling, Working, Dealing with tricky situation);
With whom (company of growth mindset or fixed mindset);
What were my dreams, ambitions together with challenges on the path to progress etc...
Most important was: What I have become in the process? (this matters the most to me)
Sharing few of the nostalgia moments: Personally i was very much inspired in CY'20 as it was a start of new decade and future was looking positively vibrant until Covid arrived. Covid-19 made it's strike on people, spread across the world from China... Stock Market were Crashing Feb'20... STOP!!
I had to make a sudden stop then & there i was aware of the power this chain of thought (Covid-19) is strong enough to derail me from track going towards review completion.
Instead of doing just comparison of what happened and what didn't which is good journaling exercise. This time I planned to do a personal introspection as to: What can i do something different or do a routine activity in new way which would actually make bring me my aliveness.
I recalled the below quote which i had heard 12 years back;
Your days are your life in miniature. As you live your hours, so you create your years. As you live your days, so you craft your life. What you do today is actually creating your future. - Robin Sharma
As i invite you check-in into this wonderful activity with me. First take a minute to pause in the moment and ponder over the following question:
What will you do with the gift of ONE EXTRA DAY of your life? (i.e. 29th Feb/Leap day) Suggest you to engage in a meaningful conversation with a loved one (Friend, Family or Fellow member) about this. Be imaginative. Be honest. Be brave.
Whenever i come across an opportunity to do any activity which requires reflectiveness in it - i grab it with both hands, mind, heart and soul. Generally, people think its an intellectual exercise. However, i differ as in my experience its a fruitful for holistic self-development. And it requires some spirituality to it (different from religion rigidity) as we are all spiritual being here for a human experience.
Without spiritual connection this activity would be partially complete. In my view, we have different ways and means to connect to the higher source (aka universe, nature, super power etc) wherein lies the nugget of inspiration.
For e.g. Some people would listen to music,
Some would open a book/article to read ,
Some would stand-up to go for a walk,
Some shall meet growth-mindset people etc.
Depending upon their inclination; as a majority of people would do one or more of such above said activity in combination.
While i was engaged into reading; I was mesmerized by wisdom shared in the below-mentioned brief note and believe that it would be of value to you to gain some inspiration.
”Here’s an summary from my daily journal* on the theme of It’s Never Too Late.
It is never too late to be who you really are.
It is never too late to live from your heart.
It is never too late to commit to the real work of your life.
It is never too late to give up the past and heal.
It is never too late to drop the cynicism and be open.
It is never too late to take an emotional risk and be more authentic.
It is never too late to give up the search for happiness and follow your joy.
It is never too late to be undefended, vulnerable, and spontaneously available.
It is never too late to be present.
I encourage you to journal on the gift of an Extra Day and living life to the full.
Over to you now!
Note: * - Above is an excerpt of Dr. Robert Holden's article and shared it with an intention for benefit of all.
Lastly, leaving you with the same question:
What would you do with the gift of ONE EXTRA DAY in your life?
Note: This time take sufficient time to immerse in this reflective activity. Not to worry about getting it right or expecting a perfect sequence of the possible answers to make a flow-in.
Also, needless to stress if nothing comes up for initial few moments.
Remember - it's okay to be blank for sometime or may be this would overwhelm you for few seconds as you might attempt to measure your time investment with progress made on this point.
I have a faith that it would come to you in perfect time, sequence and space to you when you are ready to receive. Be open and receptive to all the good that comes in the way.
As a regular practitioner and journal maker i can vouch that: you can do this introspection activity for each day (if you wish to) as everyday is a new day.
Please note - there is no mandatory requirement to do it in a particular format (e.g. Journalling, Meditation, Yogasanas etc), Time frame (e.g. 5mins, 10mins 30mins etc), for a particular period (E.g. weekly, fortnightly, monthly, yearly etc), on a particular day, time & so on.
Infact you can as you wish with a singular requirement of consistency. This way you can continue go-beyond in your quest for life excellence.
I wish you a beautiful (extra) day everyday. Keep contemplating on the point that: you are never too late to make a start...