Let's do Cognitive Computing
Mark Pohlmann
Founder & CEO at Aeteos - Cognitive Psychologist - President Point de Contact - Réserviste Gendarmerie (Unité Nationale Cyber) - Chercheur au CRGN - Membre du Cercle K2
Let’s do Cognitive Computing
Today, in organizations, most of the processes which involve human intelligence are executed by people and cannot be easily modernized using traditional technologies.
Our vision is that tomorrow, these same processes will be executed by people and by machines.
To make this possible, we need to create a new generation of artificial intelligence capable of replicating how the brain works and capable of performing tasks normally requiring human intelligence.
At MacAnima, what we do is Cognitive Computing.
Providing help, assisting people and finding solutions to problems requires that a given situation is understood. And this is really complex since many cognitive processes and psychological functions are involved. Our behaviors are driven by motivation, driven by what we need in a particular context. The challenge is to put these human things inside something immaterial, inside a machine so that this machine is able to act like a human.
Our mind has a set of faculties including mental activities, cognitive processes and psychological functions. The architecture of the mind is made of these faculties which are linked together to process information and enable thinking.
Intelligence can be defined by our ability to reason, make decisions and solve problems. These cognitive processes are linked to psychological functions such as emotions, sentiments or needs which are providing additional context related key insights which once added to other available inputs will create a conglomerate of information, providing us with a mental representation of the situation, enabling our awareness and adapting our behaviors and actions.
Creating a new generation of artificial intelligence will require that these human capabilities can be transferred to and executed by a machine. And this is the exact purpose of what we do at MacAnima. We create software solutions able to replicate how the brain works and capable of performing tasks normally requiring human intelligence.
To create an artificial intelligence, we should first understand how the brain works! Psychology, neurosciences and linguistics are key knowledge domains which must be considered to build a cognitive framework able to make machines smarter.
We started by linking together all mental activities and cognitive processes that humans have, describe them and found a way to make them artificial. We then enhanced this by adding core psychological functions such as needs, judgement, satisfaction, understanding, motivation and attitudes to adapt the actions triggered by the machine to the context and to the situation. This is the foundation of our cognitive and psychological functional architecture. Then, we created a dedicated methodology to implement those processes in software. This methodology is a key thing since it will highlight all the information that is needed to enable those cognitive processes or psychological functions within a software and setup the main architecture of the artificial intelligence.?
To make sure that information is processed in a natural way, we studied how a chemical neuron in our brain is working and created the SmartNeuron which can be considered as a functional autonomous smart software unit.
To make sure that information is stored in the machine like it is stored in our long-term memory, we created a dedicated data structure called the VirtualBrain where information is linked together in a categorized way, using ontologies.
We believe that artificial intelligent solutions should be ethical, provide something positive, be transparent and be able to explain their decisions and make them accessible and understandable by the end-user. Data that is used by those solutions should be well-targeted and useful. The internal knowledge of the system should be accurate, reliable, unbiased and integrity of this information should be ensured and not manipulated or revised by the end-user. For this reason, artificial intelligent systems should be knowledge based. Those solutions should be climate neutral, highly energy-efficient and sustainable. For this reason, it should be created using the right software development language.
Our clients come first. They should have the choice and have the freedom to install and use artificial intelligent solutions on their premises or on a cloud hosted server and not be linked to any third party solutions. We empower them, through the usage of open data formats, to have access to new key insights and be able to integrate those the way they want within their existing information system.
At MacAnima, we are making machines smarter. Founded in 2016 by two cognitive psychologists who worked for the French National Center for Scientific Research (C.N.R.S.) and the Computer Science Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence (LAFORIA), MacAnima is helping organizations to accelerate their digital transformation by creating and designing artificial intelligent solutions which include cognitive and psychological features. Our founders worked for over 20 years for leading consulting and technology companies such as Andersen Consulting, Accenture, Cap Gemini or Hewlett Packard, managing over 200 projects for Fortune 500 companies in EMEA. At MacAnima, we love what we do and we stick to our promises. We would be glad to be part of your next journey.?
Béatrice & Mark Pohlmann?