Let's Diversify our Judicial System!
Jirrodda B. Williams
Business Account Executive // Customer-Client Success // Business Development // Contract Manager
Did you know there has only been one Black female judge appointed in Kentucky's Circuit Court? And there hasn't been another in the last 15 years! Why is this important?
Circuit Court is the court of general jurisdiction that hears civil matters involving more than $5,000, capital offenses and felonies, land dispute title cases and contested probate cases.
As a division of Circuit Court with general jurisdiction, the family court division of Circuit Court further retains primary jurisdiction in cases involving dissolution of marriage; child custody; visitation; maintenance and support; equitable distribution of property in dissolution cases; adoption; and, termination of parental rights.
In addition to general jurisdiction of Circuit Court, the family court division of Circuit Court, concurrent with the District Court, has jurisdiction over proceedings involving domestic violence and abuse; the Uniform Act on Paternity and the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; dependency, neglect, and abuse; and, juvenile status offenses.
One judge may serve more than one county within a circuit. Some circuits contain only one county but have several judges, depending on population and caseload. Circuit judges serve in eight-year terms.
Again, why is this important to us?
NICHOLE COMPTON, JD MBA is a black female running for Circuit Judge in Kentucky right now! Find out how you can help! Volunteers are helping from everywhere!
Text COMPTON to 801801 or go to www.comptonforjudge.com for more information on how you can help!