Let's Discuss about Marketing

Let's Discuss about Marketing

Hello guys, What is marketing and How we do marketing and get reach to the customer? Who will be the best marketer? What the secrets of marketing?

MARKETING: Marketing starts before creating the product. Focus on product because great product sells itself. Know the market, know the customers and reach them at a time. Basically, Marketing is a science, where you have to be practical, sending right message to the right person at a right time. It is not what we coming up with creative ideas. Marketing is not just about selling it is also about keeping existing customers happy by communicating with them so that they remain for life. Marketing is long-lasting, it will be there while we sell, it will be there after being purchased (we increase more). Best channel for marketing is word of mouth. Customer converts your product to a brand.

“Many companies have forgotten they sell to actual people. Humans care about the entire experience, not just the marketing or sales or service. To really win in the modern age, you must solve for humans.”Dharmesh Shah, CTO & Co-Founder, HubSpot

Marketing means to an end. The purpose is to built a brand and capture the position in minds of consumers. Product is rooted reality and important than marketing. Advertising, Sales, Copywriting are the components of Marketing. Built Trust, selecting Niche bring success and wealth. Digital and Traditional are the medium of marketing.


  • Financial Goal
  • Digital marketing vs Traditional marketing
  • CATT Marketing Funnel
  • Integrated Digital Marketing
  • Building Personal Brand
  • Global Economics
  • Communication

FINANCIAL GOAL: Set goals because we do marketing for money, there are many things that are useful but the money is the main goal of marketing. Financial growth of a Company or Brand depends on marketing and marketing depends on the product or services which is not only good but according to the needs of customers.

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Set your goal, for that we take an example from above image, it shows us that if we aim of 1crore business what are the ways to get that:

  • If we have a product of cost Rs100 and we sell it to 1 lakh customers we achieve our goal of 1 crore.
  • If we have a product of Rs1000 and we sell it to ten thousand customers the goal will achieve.
  • We have a product cost Rs10000 and we sell it to thousand the goal will be achieve and it's in our comfort zone. Less the customer the product cost will increase.
  • And, at last to achieve the goal of 1crore business, 1lakh cost of a product we have to sell it to just 1hundred customers but in this case you have a best 100 customers who have trust on you.

So, we find that all to reach the goal niche selection is a easy way reach goals like 1crore.

"Build something 100 people love, not something 1 million people kind of like." — Brian Chesky


Traditional and Digital both are the ways to grow, reach, get appropriate customers for our product and maintain a relationship with them. Since, world is becoming digital and so traditional marketing is becoming oldest form of marketing. And, on other hand digital marketing is growing more faster, capturing market and audience faster because people like to be called as digital. So increasing in digital medium, more people like to be on digital platforms and the traditional market become older version.

Traditional Mediums are like radio, magazines bill boards, posters, television and newspapers. Digital mediums are like Google, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Netflix, Amazon Prime and Snapchat.

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Lets take a look into differences between Traditional and Digital Marketing nowadays:

Traditional Marketing

  • Reaching target audience like old generation.
  • Person-to-Person is a strategy to direct sell of product or services.
  • It offers hard copy materials.
  • Definitely, its costly for small businesses or start-up's to advertise there product on TV, radio, printing hard copy etc
  • Hiring outsiders to advertise the product. It also add to costs.
  • We cant measure our results at all, so cant get feedback for our product. Its a major disadvantage of traditional marketing.
  • No way to interact with audience.
  • Investment of capital more sell of a products less.

Digital Marketing

  • Interactive means to reach local audience as well as global audience.
  • Direct relation with customers through social media.
  • It enable to communicate directly with groups or individual customers like word of mouth.
  • We do 24/7 marketing and get energetic selected audience.
  • Data is available anytime to measure your results and get feedback immediately.
  • No hiring outsider for branding or advertisement. All through digital medium.
  • More affective, results getting and to grow as a brand for small businesses and start-up's.
  • Investment of capital less sell of a products high.

Be wise, think, choose your strategy and then invest get benefited results.


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N= Niche

Niche is selection of appropriate audience for our product. Its an advertising strategy which focus on unique target market. Its an area of expertise. Our success and wealth depends on it this make it most important. Niche solve problems of customers and increase demands of product in market. Niche selection for the product not too narrow that you cant find enough customers and not too broad that you get diluted.

“Think like a customer."— Paul Gillin

C= Content

A long-term strategy that focuses on valuable, relevant to building a strong relationship with your target audience by giving them high-quality content that drive them to profitable customer. Content is your asset which is going to attract people to you and your business.

A= Attention

You need to drive attention or traffic to your content using SEO, Social Media, Ads, and Referrals. Make attractive outline that fits to grab the attention.

T= Trust

Trust is important in any type of business what you have with your customers. to built trust with your audience get them engaged and keep them update with your Emails or SMS marketing automation, trip wires and retargeting. Without trust you get them to buy.

T= Transaction

Converts your leading customers into a natural sale methods. Natural sale is a targeted audience who are looking to buy from you as they already trust you. Without sale you will not convert your lead into customer.


Digital marketing is not a platform to get results separately only by Content Marketing or SEO or Social Media or Email Marketing or through Ads to sale. But integrating all the segments to get attention towards yourself or business, built trust and sale or conversion happen natural. Integrating all digital marketing platforms in a way that it work as a machine it will generate more revenue. This is a type of engine that drive CATT Funnel.

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“Integrated marketing offers opportunities to break through to consumers in new markets.” — Betsy Holden


Brands are not build for the time being and building a personal brand take lots of time, thinking, setting goals, working on all segments. It starts from taking a baby steps, figuring out all strategies, lots of experimentation and practice, observing market make it a brand.

Try to be the only one in the category you choose, instead of being number one. If you cannot be the leader in category become the market leader in the subcategory because only the number one is remembered. You definitely achieve half of your success when you decide where to compete.

A Personal Brand always build around you to what you are best in because best known always beat the best. Personal branding is that people should know that you are good at something and they can learn something valuable from you. Its like person speaks to the person. Its much preferable by the audience rather than a brand. How a logo speaks on the company’s behalf. Therefore, you can also build trust among audience through expressing your thoughts, feelings, your background.

Personal brands cannot be invested in it means investors cannot invest in personal brand or it cannot be sold because its not only a brand but a person. But, it gives rise to many brands from his/her influence. For example Elon Musk has a bigger following than SpaceX and Tesla. It becomes an influencer and a brand ambassador for companies that they run. thus, personal brands are very powerful.

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Its important to create a marketing funnel because the scarce resources is Trust. Nobody trust easily to other and you as a marketer No.1 goal is to built trust with your target audience and also with lots of people. Marketing is all about trust with lot of people at a same time. So, we can call it as Mass Trust.

Evolution of personal brand:

  • Learn- the skill that you get through Concepts, Facts and Procedures.
  • Work- Work on new found skill. From practice to implementation in real world will give you better experience.
  • Blog- It will go along with work experience to build your personal brand. When you start blogging you will understand better and you will get experience and also it will be helpful to others. Combine your work and experiences understanding along with the things that you learn, then your content becomes unique.
  • Consult- Start consulting others. Help others to grow their businesses instead of working for them.
  • Mentor- Start teaching to those who want to become like you, who are in need of these skills. It will help you as well as others to grow to the next level.
  • Startup- Start your own product or service with your own experiences that you find about the market, the problem and your skills.

“Business has only two functions — marketing and innovation.” — Milan Kundera


Being a entrepreneur must have knowledge and updates about global economics. It helps in making decision in business based on economics. Awareness of your country’s economy is needed so that you accordingly modify your marketing strategies to avoid any major loss while the economy is facing any crisis.

Country's economy goes up with the average age of the country goes up. So, the opportunities in India and Indian market is growing big. Through recent research the average age of India in 2020 was 29 years.


Communication help us to connect with our customers. In marketing, communication play an important role. A good marketing is about good communication. It doesn't means using complicated words or care about vocabulary or grammar. Its about transfer of thoughts effectively. Its about understanding the targeted audience very well. Its about knowing what are they looking for and give them what they want at a time.


Learning and Practicing on marketing will never end It always stay with us. Knowing and selecting your market, targeting appropriate audience, making your product and services according to the need of your customer and serving them on right time all these together make you a best Marketer. If you find post useful must leave a comment below.

“You can’t be everything to everyone, but you can be something to someone." — Drew Davis

Thank you for having patience


