Let's Cultivate Good Habits Easily!
Ridhima Dua
Elevate Life Leadership for Mid & High Level Leaders with NLP | Providing New Code NLP Practitioner 180 DAYS mentoring | Customise Corporate Training to achieve Performance using applied NLP | Key Note Speaker
This newsletter lets talk about a very simple yet important topic for you all!?
Cultivating habits is one of the most discussed topics.?
Before we go there, short announcements:?
NLP Certification Course Starting: March & April Seats are filling up?
NEW CODE NLP Practitioner by John Grinder, Michael Carroll & Carmen Bostic, Facilitated in India by Ridhima Dua - 12th - 19th May in Pune. Talk to our Consultant here to know about the courses.
So, let's deep dive into our topic for today:?
Did I tell you that finally, after a long time, falling and rising, I have had a habit of walking everyday night after dinner for the last 3 years consistently??
For the last 2.5 years, I have had a habit of having 2-3 fruits every day.?
I have the habit of meditating before sleeping every day.?
I have a habit of consistently never giving up which I think has been my SECRET! And I will break more patterns because I don't give up! I will explore and grow more!?
Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost!?
I want to make this letter simple and understandable, so flow with me and read through it! In between, if you feel like making notes, or observing yourself, my recommendation is, to do that and write your observations for yourself. That will seed change at a deeper level.
And come back to start, where you left off!?
Let's talk about HABITS - They are just like a computer program. Yeah!?
So think about when you get up in the morning - the first thing you do - let's say rub your hands! This is a program that runs in your brain unconsciously! You are not thinking of doing it - It's happening at the AUTO LEVEL!?
Habits - Good or Bad - I know many readers would be surprised when I say that habits are not good or bad. Habits are useful or not useful for a specific situation for an individual (depending on context and external factors)?
Yeah - There is a presupposition of NLP & I have tested this in my real-life?
"Every behavior is useful in some context".?
There is an intention behind that habit which you are doing!?
Secondly, there are lack of choices in anyone's reality/map/brain, and hence I am using only one way!?
Third, Even If I know some other ways, my brain has not built that as a program YET! (This means it can do it NOW! )
Consider this scenario: if I wasn't practicing meditation before and spent most of my time cooking, cleaning, and teaching my kids, or simply heading to bed, my mind wasn't engaged in meditation during any of these activities.?In any of the above situations my brain was?-
I didn't know - AWARENESS
So the habit is not good or bad - I am not aware that what I am doing can be reflected and improved upon! It's outside my zone! The program is unavailable, your computer needs to have that program, and we need to clean it up and REBOOT it!?
Yes, when we become adults, somewhere we are aware that we know that we should not addict ourselves to things that can affect our bodies! But we have been only told about it. This addiction is not good! But hey, it is serving someone something! Smoking is serving relaxation in the brain, the chocolates are serving a specific hormone in the brain!?
Can someone help to expand the brain and install a new Program - "I can help you do that, my friend"!?
Not one program, reinstalling and rewiring different patterns/programs so that we are aligned with ourselves!?
How do we do it - Book a Call with a Consultant to learn more?
What will happen if we stop Categorising BAD HABITS as BAD:?
?Let's say I say, You have all the bad habits!?
I have used a generaliser in this sentence as "ALL"!
What I am trying to say is instead of categorizing the sets - word- HABIT & BAD HABITS - just in one set - we can look at each aspect specifically.?
A specific example can be: At times, I do take more sweets than often when specifically I have to go to my stakeholder meeting/X Reason.?
If we start categorising them in just one set: I can
- Avoid over-generalizing as humans?
- Be more specific & precise in communication?
- And will not box ourselves/any other always in a GOOD or BAD Child/adult/human.?
- Wow, it feels like Life can be so simpler!??
Let's now indulge more deeply!?
Is Cultivating habits difficult - I think it should be reframed to?
Is creating new programs in the brain easier??
Do we have examples??
How does a program in the brain get created - PROCESS REPETITION
Just these two words summarise it all!?
If we know that repetition of X has created the program inside my brain, the same can also be done again!?
What does it take to Build new HABITS - Programs & Patterns in the BRAIN?
It just takes processes, a mentor who knows how to do these processes, and a little commitment to rebuild again! I mean, if you would like to build your biceps, you will reach out to the instructor to know the steps and processes, and get started!?
Starting with mentors is more fulfilling - they can help you in your path when you are falling!
They can challenge you at the time it is required!?
They have tested processes and techniques, which helps to save time too!?
Remember, there are some programs built naturally inside you and some more that can be created by practice! My speaking skills weren't this clear and strong the way it is now! An example of a program practiced for a long time and continued! But getting into practice is not enough, getting the tools & techniques of what to practice and HOW to practice came by DOING so many NLP Courses and finally transferring knowledge to the world.?
Something that comes to you naturally and something in life can be created and re-builded again & again with fun! I have had a lot of fun with NLP to create and build many different HABITS Aka programs/patterns!?
And, one of the challenges for human beings with learning & repeating with practice is, that they assume it's tough. They feel repetition and doing it again and again is tough.?
This is also a program. I believe LEARNING & REPEATING is EASY!?
Now, let's understand how both the statements? - TOUGH & EASY is running again a program in your body??
Both words run, a program in your brain unconsciously and produce results with which you take actions: EXAMPLE OF A SIMPLE PROGRAM IN YOUR BRAIN:?
So now you know that you can REBUILD not only external electronic systems, but yourself too using tools, techniques & systems! And you would go to a Computer Specialist to do so!!!
Still thinking, seriously is it possible, oops, you are running another brain program again?? Some are useful and some are not!?
Let's create a newer version of ourselves by having some fun challenging ourselves & changing habits!
I am sure you must have also changed many programs in your brain to achieve where you are today!?
Would love to know your stories, and views in the comment section!?
?See you in the next Article!
Thanks and regards
Ridhima Dua
Experience| Discover| Decode | Do it Real
Sending Love & Seeking blessings ??
Life & Business Strategist. MBA, MA Psychology, ICF. CEO, Kaspari Life Academy. Host of the Unshakeable People Podcast. Habits & Behaviour Design, Neuroscience. I shape MINDS and build LEADERS.
8 个月That's truly inspiring! ?? It's never too late to adopt new habits and make positive changes in your life.
Corporate Growth Trainer | Soft skills Trainer| Handwriting Analyst| NLP New Code Practitioner| Diploma in NLP Core Skills| Founder of Rachayita Manopratibimb Consulting (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. Reflection of Mind|
8 个月Our Habits are formed by our thoughts. Cultivation and adopting habits on a daily basis depends on the action we take. And once good habits are grown then the journey becomes subtle. Ridhima you are a true inspiration. Thank you for sharing every small detail of your journey.
PGT English at ODM Public School
8 个月It's never too late to cultivate new habits and transform your life. Your journey is truly inspiring and proves that age is just a number when it comes to personal growth and development. Thank you for sharing your valuable insights and experiences.