Let's change this gilded age and celebrate achievement for what it is...
The DH Effect
We grow people and organizations through self-awareness, trust-building and belonging.
It was such an honor to be able to write this article, The Gilded Age Regarding Recognition of Achievement (audio version) for Awareness Ties and Issuu, and share my experiences as an educator on the pitfalls of how praising achievement is used to either motivate students, validate those raising them, or both (which is likely the case). Becoming a long-term habit, people motivated by praise will not be able to fully believe in their worth and value until they earn the next "thing" - a certificate, award, degree, promotion, acceptance letter. Imagine being raised in this way since childhood.
Although with the best intentions, we are hearing language used within families where parents are praising achievement. It's the A grade, the trophy, the Student of the Month certificate. Children are looking to their adult role models (starting with parents) to figure out what makes them unique contributors to their world. It's so important for us to learn not only how to truly see our children as they are, but also learn the language to acknowledge their innate characteristics that keeps them on the journey of achieving. Can't wait to read your thoughts and reflections about this article.
This is the very thing that we teach our members in our master class coming up on February 2nd - "Being Seen with a Decided Heart." Our members are on a journey in self-reflection, discovery and accountability towards building high trust relationships and a strong sense of belonging in their lives. We would love for you to join us!
Become a member: https://www.thedheffect.com/membership