Let's Build Something
We are the people who can lay out an IKEA flat pack and the Allen key and know how the furniture goes together before opening the directions. (Okay, we look at the instructions because we like the pictures and want to confirm what we think.)
Business is the same. We can see the final outcome, what we want, in our minds. We look at all of the pieces and determine if we need to find some direction. Sometimes, we just start building. Because while it can be frustrating, and we might have to start over, the fun is in the building.
You either love or hate it, but a Visionary can see the completed chair.
Just a Minute is a product of Catherine Lang-Cline, LLC . A newsletter for Visionaries, Dreamers, and those of us with short attention spans. Subscribe to The Secret Art of Business? on Apple Podcast to hear more about how this superpower aligns with business success.