Let Your Vision Lead
In this article I want to clarify the perspective of vision that I have adapted and that has worked wonders for me to this date. This perspective has not failed through divorce, job loss, financial challenge, and family challenges! When I say God is good, you say "all the time!!"
Vision, is the picture or image of the future that you see, but have no hope to achieve in YOUR lifetime!! Powerful right? I am saying, imagine something soooooo BIG that in your lifetime it likely won't be achieve because the impact and the outcome is decades or even centuries from coming into fruition.
However, the excitement of working towards something with that much impact and relevance keeps you glued to the path. You are riveted with excitement and can't wait to work on the next phase of your endeavor.
This is what I mean when I say "Let Your Vision Lead". It means allowing the vision to decide what you will take on next and not letting your emotions or feelings or outside influences convince you to take on something that is not in alignment.
If you are ready to learn "How to Let Your Vision Lead", then check out the upcoming series of bi-weekly webinars over the next few weeks beginning Saturday March 30th at 9 AM CST.