Let Your Past Create Your Future
As the month of April comes to a close I want you to look back, just at this month, and reflect upon what personal and external truths you have come to realise about yourself and the world around you.
What has happened over the past few weeks that has shaped you and ultimately changed your outlook and perspective of the world and yourself?
Become aware of your life, your surroundings, your internal thoughts and emotions so that you are continually conscious of how you are stepping forward and how things internally and externally have an effect on you.
In order to live with purpose and intentionally take control of shaping your future, it is important to realise how your past has played a part in getting you to the point you are at in the present so that you can intentionally choose what impact you want your present moments to have on your future.
Now is the time to plan for the month of May, how do you want it to be different from this month, and what things did you enjoy so much that you want to keep?
When we plan ahead we are able to actually make things happen. For example, let's say you have a one off experience that you enjoyed so much that heightened all of your senses and intensified all your positive emotions, rather than saying 'oh it's a shame that was just a one off experience', think specifically about what it was about that experience that made you feel so good and why you enjoyed it, then aim to add more of those things into your life so that you can do things like that more often. It doesn't have to be the exact same experience but it can have elements of the things that made you feel like that. Remember you are in control of your life and what you do with it is ultimately up to you (if you let it be so).
Looking back over my life, in this last month I have realised a lot about my vast experiences and the things that I have had in my life that have ultimately prepared me for today. Personally I have had lots of opportunities and events in my lifetime that many can only dream about (good and bad) and as much as I am grateful for them all, at this later stage in life I am now more aware of the responsibility and potential that not only comes with it but ultimately has been placed there because of it.
I have had to make some hard decisions over my life, a lot of them came with loss (which I'm sure if you are in a position of growth like myself you will understand) some came with complete uncertainty, but in order to succeed in life we must take risks and I can tell you hand on heart that risk eventually pays off, even if it be that you are able to get to know yourself, who you are, your true likes and dislikes (knowledge that you have the freedom to have them) and what you are really capable of, at a bare minimum, it can be absolutely exhilarating!?
The person I am today really comes down to a combination of the choices my mother intentionally made to make sure I had the best upbringing she knew how to give me (to succeed in life and be able to bring something to the world) and the challenges that were thrown in our way as a result of which.
In my later years I can now really see her work coming into fruition as I look around me at people who have not had my varied experiences and only see one way of life, not being able to see beyond what is right in front of them.
This saddens me because I know there is so much more out there as I have seen and experienced it myself first hand. That being said however, in the majority of those cases they too are in that same boxed scenario only believing what they see to be true. Hence it is my mission in life to connect people and show them that there is more out there than what they can see on the surface of their surroundings. Because what one person has in their life can truly benefit another and until they realise that and share it, or choose to look for something better for themselves they will always stay within the confines of the imaginary barriers they have placed around themselves.
That being said I realise that I too am not immune to my own imaginary barriers of life and have to use the skills and mindset that I have created along the way to continually be conscious of my environment, my emotions and how the choices I make in my present will have an impact on my future and what I set out to do.? This is honesty, this is choosing to be real and understanding that although we are not perfect we have the ability to choose our path and take advantage of every new moment that we exist to make fresh changes and impactful decisions.
Now that you have heard a part of mine, what is your mission? What are you looking to achieve for yourself and the world around you? Knowing that the things you choose in life not only have an affect on you but on your wider surroundings and the world at large.
What things have you experienced over your lifetime that have prepared you for today?
Collect those specific impactful events in your life along with the truth of what they are meant for and set them as your achievable goals. Look back at your vision (it could be up on the vision board you started to create last week) what is your bigger picture, and how are you going to now break that down into achievable goals with purpose and meaning that you have learned along the way from your past? What things have you learned in the past that will now help you to achieve these goals that you are setting for yourself?
I believe that we ultimately have everything we need in order to achieve what we set out to do, and as I mentioned last week, whatever we don't know we have the power to find and learn. For me, the fact that you have had the ability to think about something means it is possible for you because everything you have taken in from your life has led and guided you to it, so don't doubt yourself! If you can think it, you can believe it and if you can believe it, you can achieve it! There is work to be done, let us take this week to be honest about our reality of the bigger picture, break our vision down into significant meaningful goals and prepare for a phenomenal month of May! I will see you there with 'Gratefulness' and 'Planning'.
Your Confidante,
Your Mentor,
Your Guide,
Your Coach,
P.S. As promised here is your downloadable copy of our book we created together! https://bit.ly/41Czi4i (exclusively only free to you at this point!)
Larissa Finn - Endless Possibilities