Let Your Next Level of Impact Begin
JJ DiGeronimo
Award-Winning Author, Speaker & LightWorker | Helping Successful Women Trust Their Inner Wisdom & Create Meaningful Impact | Tech Savvy Women Founder (11K+) | Together We Seek Retreats
A new year usually means new goals, but for me, I’d rather reflect on where I've been and align myself for where I want to have an impact next. Instead of focusing on the checklist of things I need to do, I focus on the details necessary to leap over the mind blocks, sidestep the challenges, and accelerate momentum. In this week’s episode of Career Strategies for Women That Work, I’m going to discuss how to discover your next area of impact and take the steps to get there this year.
Reflect on the last year
As you look back on the last 12 months, think about the level of commitment you gave to the things you prioritized. Ask: Where did I spend my time? What did I do? What do I wish I didn't do? What do I want to celebrate? What am I proud of? What do I wish I would've done more of?
The reflective view is so critical in planning for your next level of impact. Looking back at how you spent the last year will help you figure out your priorities and next level of impact and alignment for this year.
Prepare now
1:52 – You might have an idea of where you want to have an impact, but knowing what you want is half the battle. You’ve also got to prepare yourself and set yourself up to be able to reach your next level of impact. Here are three questions to ask yourself:
4:04 – As you think about your areas of focus for the next 12 months, your level of impact may range from professional to personal, but the steps to reach those areas of impact are often similar.
What I've learned through all of my energy practitioner work is that oftentimes you don't have to really focus on how things are going to happen, but you do have to envision what you want to happen and then create space to move in that direction. And when you do this, amazingly, things tend to come and help you accelerate the momentum in that particular area. So I would encourage you to get going and start with small steps this month or this quarter that show the universe you're interested in moving in this direction and you've created space to make it happen.?
Breakthrough the fear
5:02 – Now, for many of us, fear is the first thing that pops up when we really think about the impact we want to have. Fear of not being good enough, of not knowing what to do; fear, fear, fear. This is often the largest barrier for most people and it’s what keeps most people immobile in their goals—and if you think fear is holding you back, go listen to Episode 9: Sidestepping Self-Doubt. I would encourage you to pop over to episode nine sidestepping self-doubt because it includes a fear chart that I created from many, many professionals that I met along the way and things that were holding them back. One of the ways I get over fear is something I adopted from Jen sin. Zero's book. You're a badass how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life.
5:49 – One action I take to get over fear is something I’ve adopted from Jen Sincero’s New York Times bestselling book, You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life. One of my favorite concepts that she shares is to just see what we can do. That means not listing out all the things that aren’t possible or the reasons that things won’t work. If you just see what you can do, there's no pressure, there are no expectations, and there's no need to be perfect.
If you’re still on the other side of fear and can’t envision how you’re really going to reach your next level of impact, you may have to shift your energy. That’s what worked for me! And I've created Together We Seek, a community where you can fold in, meet some energy practitioners, and learn ways to uncover new areas of momentum. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be diving into tools like birth charts and career insights to help you better participate in teams, create better cultures, and sidestep the things that are holding you back. Join for free today!
Align for the impact you want to create
Here are six steps to help you align with the impact you want to create this year.
9:17 –?#1: Define your desired level of influence and impact.
You need to define it to achieve it. You need to discuss it to make it happen. I'm a big believer in really defining what is important to you.
9:30 – #2: Assess your gaps.
You're going to have gaps. You've never done it before. You're definitely going to have gaps in what you know, whom you know, and what needs to happen. Put those down on paper so that you can better understand them.?
9:45 – #3: Add the right activities to your week.
Add the activities to your schedule that will help you increase your alignment with your goals and even allow you to sidestep or jump over the gaps you've already identified.?
9:56 – #4: Recognize your fears.
What is the internal chatter that continues to pop up as you're moving through the process? What are you saying to yourself? How are you supporting yourself? Or how are you tearing yourself down? The fears we identified earlier in this episode could be hindering your process, and you need to be aware of them.
10:30 – #5: Ask for help.
Whether it's a friend, a mentor, or even a sponsor, we often need help opening doors, making connections, and leaping over those potential gaps and fears you've identified. If you want to know how to tap into mentors and sponsors, be sure to check out Episode 8: Why Women Need Mentors & Sponsors at Work, which includes a worksheet to help you identify what type of mentors and sponsors you may need for this particular year.
10:55 – #6: Stretch before you're ready.
You have to stretch before a hundred percent, especially if you've never done it before. There's no way you're going to feel prepared and have all your i's dotted and t's crossed. Start this month and take small steps, whether it's reading a book, reaching out to somebody, maybe even buying a URL or making a connection—just get started.?
12:15 – I have found that once you really dive in and work from the inside out, you’ll be able to create a lot more impact in your work and definitely have a lot more peace of mind and joy. So my hope for you is that today becomes a mile marker of where you begin your next level of impact.?
Make sure you connect with me on Instagram – @JJDigeronimo, and share how you’re going to align, embrace, and even influence a little bit more next week than you did the week before! I look forward to seeing how you manifest your goals in the upcoming year.?
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