Let Your Music Out
I come from a very musical Family (immediate and extended), and we always had music in our house growing up.
8 tracks, Vinyl records, tapes, radio...honestly, there was always something playing.
My favorite was the live music that was GUARANTEED at all family functions, and at least once a week at home (unless you count my brother Jimmy who played the first few bars on the guitar from Purple Haze (?) over and over every single day for probably a good 7 years! #sorrypup )
We're talkin electric and acoustic guitars, drums, tambourine, singing...plus the mics, amps and speakers-it was our lifestyle.
We were fortunate to have a Music Program in grade school, and when it came time to choose an instrument, I REALLY wanted to play the sax. HOWEVER, I got stuck playing the flute, (it was either that or the oboe) because the music department at school said that "girls don't play the sax." ??
(Back then-only one filter could be on: Either the one on my mouth, or the one on my face. Prrreeeeeeety sure my face gave away what I was really thinking) #sorrynotsorry
That was the first time in my life I ever HEARD such a thing, and the last time I ever gave gender roles a second thought. (3rd or 4th grade)
I swear to you- It never even crosses my mind. If you wanna do something-get up and do it IMMEDIATELY! It doesn't matter if you're the first in your Family to have ever tried it, or the first person EVER to have tried it. If you want it, go get it!
In my Academy, we have what's called "Iron vs. Iron Coaching." It's a sharper, no-nonsense, say-it-like-it-is version of coaching. Let's cut straight to the chase and get this on the table: The only reason you don't have what you want is because of the BS story you keep telling yourself. At the end of the day, you can either have what you want-or the reasons you don't.
Time and energy are precious commodities, and from where I stand-should be shuttled into your endeavor.
It's all on you-YOU have to Go Get It. YOU have to do YOUR preparatory work-so that when the opportunity arises (or you CREATE one!), you're READY.
No freebies.
No handouts.
No sympathy, whoa-is-me's or excuses.
Earn your spot.
Take advantage of any and all opportunities, and SHOW THEM you DESERVE to be there.
The Moral of the story is this: Let Your Music Out-its Time To Shine. ??????