Let your mind be free of worries
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
If you want to stop worrying, then you need to stop thinking so much. Thinking is a good thing of course but when you focus a lot of time over analyzing things, it can cause a lot of stress. Sometimes worrying is a good thing because it’s your mind’s way of acknowledging the importance of the situation. However, many times we worry excessively for invalid reasons. This article will give you a couple of different ways to help you to worry a little bit less.
When we worry, what we are actually doing is projecting our mind out into the future. We picture negative scenarios and images. We think about the worse possible situations. Students may spend a lot of time worrying about how they did on the test they just took. The person who is running late and is stuck in traffic is worried about what people will think of him when he shows up to the meeting late. The employee watches the news during his lunch time in the break room and sees that unemployment rate is climbing starts to worry about the security of his job.
In all of these situations, the person is worried about something that hasn’t happened yet. Not only that, they are worried about something that they have no control over at the present moment. If you want to know how to stop worrying, then you need to learn how to be in the moment. Realize that the majority of things people worry about coming true, never come true. You can spend a great majority of your waking life worrying yourself to the point where you start to lower your happiness level. You may even start to draw back from life because you’re afraid of every possible negative situation that you have imagined in your head coming true.
If you can’t do anything to improve the situation at the moment, let it go. Stop worrying so much about things that you have no control over. The student who is worried about what score he got is just wasting his time because what’s done is done. Whether he spends his time worrying or having fun, it’s not going to change the outcome. The employee who sees the unemployment rate increasing can worry about his job and perhaps start working harder but at the moment, during his lunch, he can’t do much about it so there is no point in worrying.
A great book about this topic that you should read is called, “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnegie. The book offers a lot of great ways to help you reduce your habit of worrying. You can try writing down the things you are worried about and find out what percentage of those things actually come true. Once you realize that there was really no point in stressing over things you can do anything about and stop worrying about everything, you will start to enjoy life a lot more.
Our brain creates a pattern like a thread for every unique thought process that we initiate . That said, it becomes a thick rope or sometimes like a large mouthed pipe if we do repeated thinking of a same thought. And this repeated thinking eventually becomes so called “worry” when we anticipate things to happen in future for the actions of the past. It is very difficult to remove that rope/ pipe from the brain. Consider how much of large sized pipe would have developed in your brain and how much weight it would have gained such that , it is very difficult to remove that habit from your thought process completely.
Now this is called “garbage collection” inside that pipe. It takes weeks/ months/ sometimes a year to overcome this and to totally remove such thoughts. So how can we remove them ? First step is body discipline. Wake up early in the morning, without any goals being set on what to do after waking up. Sleep for just 6hrs in the night. Finish your dinner by 8pm , so that, you give some time for digestion. Do some basic breathing exercise first, start with 5 mins - take till 20 mins and stop there ! Sleep at regular intervals consistently. Drink more water and never allow your body to dehydrate. Be the master of your brain , not the slave.
Whenever a thought involving “worry” enters your brain , start replacing it with some other thought that gives you happiness and positive energy. Basically you are trying to tune your brain, for new patterns to get created. Never allow your brain to control you. Say your conscious mind (when you are awake) imposes a rule saying “wake up at morning 5am” . You set an alarm when you are awake to do this/before going to the bed. However, when bell rings next day morning , your sub-conscious mind (inner mind) over-rides that rule saying, “follow this rule set by conscious mind from tomorrow onwards”.
This is what we need to control. Never allow your sub-conscious mind to over-ride your thoughts created by you (conscious mind). Develop new habits, set-up short-term & long-term goals. Idle mind is a devil’s workshop. This is 100% proven fact. Also don’t think / worry about whether you will be able to achieve your short/long term goals set by you ( conscious mind ) A “worry” is a negative thought . Replace them in your brain with positive thoughts. Constantly work on your goal at least 0.0001% a day, but maintain the consistency , to allow a pipe get created in your brain filled with positive energy instead of garbage being collected in the idle mind. Put 100% efforts before you declare you lost
Do not argue within yourself , or don’t even blame yourself for your failures. Because there is no failure . There is only a “success” and “learning”. Now when you lose the game that you are playing, replace the “worry” with , find the path to the road that leads to the next success point. Also never discuss with anyone about how you failed. Always start your discussion with how to overcome that failure. When you put 100% efforts and still you have lost the game, there is nothing / no one to do the blame game. Now that is the “full stop” for your “worry”. Once you do this, you have already overcome your “worry”. Start with this ! you will sure see there is no more “worry” in your brain. Cheers!