Let your mind fill in the rest.
Romano Studer
Graphic Designer / WordPress / GoHighLevel / InDesign+Illustrator Scripts / GREP Styles / Finished Art / Prepress / Director at ZITRONE
Marsupilami is a comic book character and fictional animal species created by André Franquin. Its first appearance was in the 31 January 1952 issue of the Franco-Belgian comics magazine Spirou.
Spirou & Fantasio (French: Spirou et Fantasio) is one of the most popular classic Franco-Belgian comics. The series, which has been running since 1938, shares many characteristics with adventure comics like The Adventures of Tintin and Asterix. It has been written and drawn by a succession of artists.
But back to Marsupilami, a pet of one of the main characters. This black and yellow character was loved by so many readers. It became part of the brand. Not least because the super long, versatile tail was a thing that would represent the pet, then the two heroes of the story and then the complete adventure.
If your brand can be recognised by every fraction, you have something very very powerful.
Here is a logo that hides one part. Just to make it even more recognisable.
Shell Petrol, McDonald's Restaurants and Surf Live Saving occupying the same colours. You would think this should be confusing. But our minds fill in the rest.
Your next logo may use red and yellow too. Give it an element of difference, in shape or typography and our minds will recall. Will it become the next Marsupilami? A lot of stars need to align for that to happen.