Let your guard down...
Biju Aramban
Democratic Education, People, Story telling, Engineering, Fullstack Development, Cyber Security, Automation, Innovation, and ...
Come to the edge, he said.
We might fall, they said.
Come to the edge.
It's too high!
And they came, And he pushed, And they flew.”
- Christopher Logue
The high priest's organization had different offices. Historically these offices have been doing various things, some of which they may not even know why they were doing. These tasks were handed over to them sometime and nobody asked the reason or logic behind it. These historical traditions were blindly followed by the mortals. The frustrating, monotonous, toxic, they don’t know what and why they are doing sort of ordeals!
The saint was driving one of the departments. After reading Fish Tales, after learning to reflect and ask questions, after understanding the need for a change, the disciple of this department started thinking about the items in their bucket. They started asking questions about these processes. The what, why and how surely brought in changes. We should give some of these tasks back to those departments who must own it, said a disciple.
Let us do it in a better way. In a way we would learn something and that will make the owning team to feel better as well. Let us automate it, document it and then handover. Build, Test and Transfer and not Build, Test and Operate, suggested the saint.
Once everything was done, the saint setup a meeting with the process owning department. The meeting was forwarded to every Tom and Hardy.
On the meeting day, the owning team had joined early and they that sat in the room with each one heavily armoured. All of them were on guard. As the meeting started, before the organiser could say anything, the invitees spoke for 15 minutes into the meeting of 30 minutes schedule. They conveyed how busy each of them are and also talked about the resource crunch and the randomness of the work and so on...
Do you know the context of the meeting?
I thought it is that you are going to push many efforts back to our team, everybody shouted.
Question was repeated, Not about what you think, "Do you really know..."?
No, reply was in such a low voice and was difficult to be heard.
Do you think, if someone had setup the meeting, you should let them talk first to really understand the space before you can agree or disagree?
I know it is that you are going to push many efforts back to our team, everybody shouted, they were still stuck with what they wanted to say.
Question was repeated, Now it is about what you think, "Do you think..."?
Yes, more feeble answer failed to come out of their vocal cords.
So, shall we start? And we can only start, if you keep your guard down and listen to what we have to say. At least, give it a try.
There was a demo, of how easy the process has become, the documentation, details of the cleaner and detailed reporting and how to debug. The team also offered to help in whichever way possible until the owning team gets a handle of the new item.
And then they owned it. And now they want to learn and bring these sorts of changes and finally fly, maybe.
Democratic Education, People, Story telling, Engineering, Fullstack Development, Cyber Security, Automation, Innovation, and ...
1 年I had kept a placeholder, and a schedule to publish and only for me to miss the schedule and not by LinkedIn. Here is the article, which was meant to go with the title...