Let Your Eyes Do the Work …..Seduction
Guys often stress out trying to find the perfect opening line to say to a girl. But if you know how to attract women without talking, then all that pressure to figure out what to say to the girl disappears. It becomes much easier to relax and start a conversation with the woman because you already know the woman is interested.
Attract women with eye contact
The most important part of attracting women without talking is making quality eye contact with women. When you find yourself making eye contact with a woman, hold her gaze and give her a warm smile. Holding eye contact shows women confidence. Smiling shows her that you’re a warm, friendly guy.
First, when making eye contact with a woman, breathe deep into your belly as this will help you relax. Second, make your eye contact with women warm and inviting by “smiling with your eyes”. You know that feeling you get in your eyes after you laugh really hard? When your gaze is warm, relaxed, and open? That is the feeling you want when looking to attract women with eye contact.
Get women to notice you through social proof
A great way to stand out and get women to notice you is through social proof. Surrounding yourself with women (especially attractive women) proves that you are the type of man women want to be around. Other women in the venue will wonder what it is that makes these women want to be with you. It’ll automatically get women curious about you, interested in you, and maybe even a little jealous that they’re not included.
It’s interesting that we associate seduction with sex, when in fact, true seduction is the opposite of sex.
Sex is when desire is met.
Seduction is not about the culmination or gratification of desire, it is about the thrill of the desire itself. It is the game that is played as the desire comes closer, and closer, and closer, and being able to maintain that tension of wanting for a long, long time.
For example, if you’ve made eye contact with a woman and want to get things rolling, a great thing to do is to simply make funny faces at her. Have some fun and play – stick your tongue out – cross your eyes – make whatever silly face you feel like. It’s a great way to make a girl smile and from there, it will be easy to approach the woman start a conversation with her.
Attracting women with your appearance doesn’t require expensive clothing. All you really need is to show women you’re a guy who has his life together.
Leave the sweatpants and flip-flops at home and attract women by going out in clean, wrinkle-free clothes that fit well. A pair of sharp-looking shoes, trim fingernails, and well-managed hair will go a long way in getting women to notice you in a positive way.
Seduction is about making him want you, not necessarily letting him have you.
You can seduce a man you've never kissed…
And you can seduce a man you've been with for years.
Attractive body language
Women can tell a lot about you by your body language alone. If you want to show the confidence that will get women attracted to you, then you want to make sure you’re body language is on point.
To show the confident body language that attracts women, be sure to stand tall – as if there is a string from the base of your spine pulling you up through the crown of your head. Keep your shoulders back and relaxed, your head up, and smile.
You can further show confidence through body language by avoiding excess movements and fidgeting. When you walk, walk with purpose and direction. Having control over your body language helps you come across as the powerful, confident man women want.
It isn't just perception. There's the very real possibility that all that togetherness will lead to temptation. You spend time with a young woman who looks up to you, and you feel flattered, and before you know it, one thing leads to another.
Your eyes tell him everything about how you feel. They are, in fact, your biggest weapon when it comes to winning the seduction war.
When you’re talking to a man you’re attracted to; you might get nervous and flit your eyes around, but you’re better off looking him directly in the eyes (while smiling!) while you talk or listen. Mix up your expression based on what he’s saying. You can raise an eyebrow to indicate that you don’t believe him (in a playful way), or even wink at him.
There are so many ways you can express yourself with your eyes, so experiment and see what gets a reaction.
You can also make prolonged eye contact with him across a crowded room until he takes notice, then look away. You've hooked him, but then it seems like there’s something more interesting that has taken your attention. This will pique his interest since he wants your attention back on him, and he’ll walk over.
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.
Thank you … What should you say?
How can you make your interest known without scaring him off?
There's a reason why a penetrating gaze is often considered sexy!
Research has proven that eye contact between potential partners is often perceived as a sign of attraction. Eye contact fosters intimacy and boosts feelings of empathy and understanding. When you're attracted to someone, your pupils dilate as well. Interestingly, studies have shown that this dilation makes you more attractive to others, too. Even if you're too shy to speak, try to maintain eye contact with him. This single behavior is one of the best ways to indicate your attraction.
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Though body language may be silent, this behavior can signal interest even more clearly than verbal coquetry. Visual cues are one of the easiest ways for individuals to convey their interest to potential matches. A quick, flirty smile and a tilt of the head can go a long way towards forming an initial connection.
Touch goes hand in hand with body language. The more often you touch him — and we’re not talking obvious caresses here — the more he’ll want to touch you back. Touch reminds men of — yep, you guessed it — sex, so it’s a subtle way of saying I want you.
Though it may be a challenge, allow yourself to be pursued, rather than constantly pursuing, or vice versa. Doing so just might reveal how sincerely your crush is interested in you!