Let you love SHOW!
Does your business matter to you? Of course it does!
But does your love show? If it doesn’t, how can your staff love your business? And why should a Customer spend their hard earned cash, supporting it?
So if it matters to you – show it! And help others feel the love & buy into it too.
?1. Fuel your passion Every day, before you do anything, remind yourself why you started your business. It will keep motivated and engaged &s important for your business’ potential. Your passion inspires you and everyone around you. It dictates why you do what you do and why your business exists. What gets you out of bed in the morning? It should be your Passion & drive. This what differentiates you from your competitors. Fuel your passion early & often, first thing, every day.
2. Fall in love with a problem Many businesses fail because the owner falls in love with their favourite solution. Don’t let that happen to you. Make sure your passion is to solve the problem, not your solution. Falling in love with the problem, enables you to shift your focus when your solution isn’t working.
Love your staff
Do you know who the most important PEOPLE ARE IN YOUR BUSINESS? Your staff! If you show them your love, they will love your Customers, in return. Business is a team sport - if your team respects you, they’ll go above & beyond for you. But if they don’t respect you, you will never succeed.
1. Get in learning mode We often don’t listen to our people. Don’t just welcome feedback, but actively encourage it
2. be transparent about your motives Be as honest as you can in terms of sharing your goals, especially when you begin new projects or product launches. Let employees know what’s going on, as well as the motivations behind your choices. Don’t leave them to draw their own conclusions.
3. Praise in public; correct in private When you want to praise someone, do it publicly for all to hear what the person did well! But when criticizing, most of us go into a defensive mode when you give them critical feedback, so it needs to be done in private.
Love your Customers
Over time, hurdles came up & slowly, the nitty gritty stuff starts to replace the fun. Work out which part of the business fuels your passion & which EATS away at it. When it does, find someone to take over as many of those tasks as possible. You may not be able to get rid of all of the gritty work, but you can control the balance.
Make your processes more efficient. Hire team members who love to do what you hate. Nurture your passion while you change the world with your business. It’s those people who are crazy enough to change the world are the ones who do!
1) Remember their names Everyone in your team should remember a Customer’s name. It shows you care.
2) Remember Your Customer's Preferences If your Customer has a special way they order or if they consistently order the same items, remember what they like and how they like it.
3) Take a Personal Interest Take a genuine interest in what is going on in their lives. Remember a major life event in their lives & ask them about it next time you speak.
4) Support Their Business Refer prospects to your Customers whenever you can. Most likely they will reciprocate & share leads with you, too.
5) Solve Their Problems Understand your customer's needs & go out of your way to solve them. If they have a problem, don't ignore it or sweep it under the rug. Respect your customer by acknowledging the problem, apologizing for it, fix it immediately, & take steps to make sure it does not happen again.
6) Keep Your Promises Deliver on the promises you make to your Customers. Even an “I’ll try” is a PROMISE
7) the Magic Word Saying "please" and "thank you". Such a small gesture, but such an important one. I say thank you to every Customer, even if they haven’t bought, but just given you time to share what you do.
8) Ask For Their Feedback Never be afraid to ask your Customer to give honest feedback. All you need to do it ask. For example, are you thinking of adding a new product? Give a sample to your best customers. Ask them to try it out, and give your their feedback. They may just save you from sinking money into inventory that won't sell.
SUMMARY So there you have it – if it matters to you – show it! How can others ever come to love your business if you don’t?