Let us be true to our heart
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Don't Follow your heart if you are chasing a person! Follow your heart if you are chasing your dream!! Don't follow your heart to be a baggage for someone! Follow your heart to be an architect for your future!! Don't follow your heart when it is related to matters of heart! Follow your heart when it is related to matters of mind!! Don't follow your heart if you've to rely on someone emotionally! Follow your heart and upvote this answer if it has touched your heart!! So what is the logic here? -> Is life a logic. -> Is birth a logic. -> Is Sex a logic.-> Is Sappiness a logic. -> Is Success a logic. -> Is Your Existence have any logic. Answer is NO. Certain things have no logic. Its just a magic or miracle or power or energy
There is no logic. After becoming educated, we try to find logic in everything. And thus we suffer in our life. We fear of some unknown things so much that we forget the real purpose of our existence. We forget our Dreams. And we run after finding logic in everything. So What is Fear? -> Fear is just an emotional state. We can control your emotions. Fear can be a major obstacle in your life from getting success in our life. From reaching full potential of ours. Dar ke Aage Jeet hai.
Think of Muniba Mazari and Arunima Singa. Both of them are super successful in their life after they paid the price of failure & struggle. Check about them in YouTube about their journey & where they are today. Both of them followed their heart ?? In spite of all the problem, sufferings they believe heart & kept working towards their dream and goal Even they had fear in their life but they replaced their fear with their belief. I always remember these lines ,as in my Btech farewell party in 2011 this was the last message I left for my juniors and that really changed my life so far..
And in meantime ! I took many decisions and most of them were by listening my heart and thus I don't have any regret in life and that is the most satisfactory part for me. Yeah ! we must listen what our heart says but conditions applied here..Like you must listen your heart if you Don't want to regret! Including crushes, relationships, friendships, job /career opportunities! Of course in Love matters also,listen to your heart by once ,twice then go with what you should do not with what you want to do. And never listen if you know you are fooling by someone/ some one is taking you for granted ! In that case open your eyes and use your brain as well. Because sometime fooling your self by heart may lack you in many things !!!
Never prejudge people but don't make your heart so vulnerable that you could be fooled by anyone just because they know you take decisions by listening to your heart only! Listen to your heart when you are ready to take responsibilities for yourself,for everything you know what I mean. Do what you feel is right because life is short, so chase everything you want at least once. Listen to people but make your own choices and have the strength to face its consequences. The worst that can happen to you is that you will learn something ,after being hurt.
The point above are absolutely true from experience ( though my own) because after following whichever path you chose , you will have no regrets , be a strong independent individual and gather more experience. For eg. Trust a person is what the heart says but denying it to some is the choice of mind from experiences. According to me, life's all questions is answered by Shrimad Bhagwad Gita, the most popular spiritual Scripture. Where Arjun's condition was just like you that his mind says to destroy his opponent ( selfish Duryodhana) and his heart says not to kill his teacher ( Guru Drona) and grandfather ( Bhishma) who are in his opponent's team. And he didn't know what to do. Then Shri Krishna tried to help him for coming out from such worries. I am trying to explain on my own understanding. First you have to identify your goal. Like in Mahabharat Arjun's goal was to kill who are against “dharma”.
Second check your goal is not harmful to anyone by means of physically or mentally & you are not going to complete your goal only for fulfilling your own desires (selfish nature) but you are doing this for welfare of the the society. And if you are sure that you are right then complete that task and destroy all obstacles (emotions) coming in your way until you reach to your destination and try to be focused in present situation. Following your heart maybe good sometimes but at some point in life there will come a situation where it will hurt and you would feel that at least once you should have “thought” about it!!
It may happen that your mind would suggest something that is right but your heart would be saying something else!! In that case you should talk to someone whom you can blindly trust and who you think will give you the best advice possible!!! This may help you to decide, what is best for you …to go with your heart or mind!! It is very important to understand that following your heart may not always give you positive results!! You should also have a heart strong enough to face anything that happens after !!!
Assume three versions of ourselves in this situation: , the know-nothing, the slightly informed and the expert. Should the know-nothing follow his heart when making the decision? Well, a decision might need to be thought out, but you lack the information to make a proper decision. Your decision may be more susceptive to luck than good decision-making. Therefore, yes, follow your heart. Should the slightly informed person follow his heart? You have information, but you're not exactly an expert. It seems that in this situation you can brew a better decision by taking your time to decide. Therefore, no, don't follow your heart.
Should the expert follow his heart? The problem of being an expert is that your knowledge gets vague. Your tendency to pay heed to the urge of perfection consumes time. Mostly, the good decisions were already in your head in the first place. You know such situations and intuition provides the answer. Therefore, yes, follow your heart. Edit: 'Follow your heart' could be rephrased as 'Follow your intuition' and 'Follow your passion'. Cheers!