"Let Us Nourish And Strengthen Our Love"
"Let Us Nourish And Strengthen Our Love"
Every relationship needs to be nourished.
Build up each other.
Encourage one another to be their best.
Be forgiving when someone makes mistakes.
Don't dwell on the hurt.
We are all human and sometimes we say things
that are unkind.
Let each other have space.
We all need room enough to grow on our own
and at our own special pace.
There are three special components in every relationship,
you and your partner and the relationship.
Treat each one of these with respect and love.
They all need to be cared for individually.
Each one of them needs attention in of itself.
To neglect one is to neglect all.
You don't need to agree on everything.
You can agree to disagree, as long as you respect
the other person's opinions.
It's really all about compromise.
Ask yourself what is best for the relationship.
When you work things out everybody wins.
Loving someone isn't always easy.
But love is the best that life has to offer to all of us.
Let us nourish and strength our love.