Let Us Meet Again - A Poem
Let us meet again—
Let us spend the shared moments together.
Let us talk heart-to-heart,
and carve memories out of this slippery hour.
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You have no idea
how often I think of you,
in these moments of loneliness,
in this solitary existence.
This forlornness,
this sense of desolation—
it cuts through my heart,
bleeding me inside
and keeping me awake
in the silent hours of the night.
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You have no idea
when the night falls
and birds nestle in the canopies,
I cannot help but think of you.
I cannot help but think of the moments
when the wind carried our whispers—
our hopes and despairs,
our fears and fantasies,
everything that made us humans.
I cannot help but remember
how we leaned on the stories
we weaved for each other.
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The moon was receding beyond the island hills;
the seagulls were silent
and the sea lashed its waves against the boulders.
You whispered
as if in drug-induced delirium—
of your wild dreams
the dreams of traveling the world
from Casablanca to Kathmandu.
And I listened to your mellow voice
and lost myself in a lucid trance.
I cannot recall what book you were holding,
—as memories always do, my memory falters here—
Do you remember the book
with a portrait of an African boy,
his innocence eclipsed by forced adulthood,
his personal ambitions usurped by mineral greed,
a rusty rifle slung on his shoulder,
his sharp eyes gazing out from the cover page?
...??????????? ...??????????? ...
Let us meet again—
Let us feel how it feels to be humans.
Let us drink again from the cup of life.
Let us dive back into this scenic-sordid reality
—the reality we cannot disown—
like puffins dive deep into the ocean for feeding.
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You know—
Mars is a mirage,
the stars are light ripples
the moon, a longing
You know—
only the sun is true
and the Earth, real.
Let us hold the Earth beneath our feet,
growing our roots deep into the soil.
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You know—
We are here for but a moment.
Before the wind scatters the dry leaves,
before time's tide erases the marks of our presence,
before memories recede into oblivion,
we have but this brief moment to rejoice.
Let us seize the day in our hands,
Let us be again who we once were.
...??????????? ...??????????? ...
Let us meet again—
Let us untether ourselves from the snares
of this desensitizing digital ego chamber.
Let us speak again of the muffled cries of children,
and the millions of dreams trapped in geopolitical crossfire.
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We have no other planet to migrate to,
running from each other.
No matter how far we go in our progress,
we still need the warmth of human company.
No matter how high we fly in our ambitions,
we still need this Earth to fall back on.