LET US HAVE WAR: One of 45 my poems published in UK: "Let Us Sing Our Unending and Saddest Songs"]

Superpower status is achieved by materialist and industrious people by accepting the destruction of human resources and the massacre of millions of innocent and simple people. They select the site, attract the sadist from the masses, brainwash them, arm them with killing machines, trap them under long-term and unending future repayments. While the hired dogs massacre their own people, evil systems are established for future generations, making them rich. Thus the war games targeted against one another help the rich to become richer at the cost of the whole of society.

War is a major conflict

Or violent struggle between enemies.

Human beings become desperate

To kill others as their antics.


People with crooked characters

And twisted personalities;

Initiate war through love of power

And wealth, and false identities.


Humans once achieved heroism

When they faced the enemy defence.

Fighting those

Who invaded their country,

Their backs against the fence.


These were the honourable battles

Of golden civilisations.

Now wars are initiated

For selfish reasons

By random nations.


Once humane wars were confined

To fighting other soldiers of honour.

Now killing innocent civilians are embroiled,

Who were their own donors.


Science was first enhancing humanity

And complimenting Nature’s beauty.

Now scientists are responsible

For the destruction;

Of all God’s legacy.


Great scientific inventions have helped

To fill the needs of all;

Prolonging healthy living

And providing food,

To wipe out any shortfall.


 Tragically science could not

Cure the disease,

Of unending greed.

Although this sickness is in a minority,

Who are morally creeps.


Such foolishness has achieved

The unacceptable and deadly gap;

Between them and

Their poor customers,

Who inevitably take the rap.


Massive wealth is drained first

From the majority in foreign lands;

And then the policy is repeated

In homelands,

Leaving weak and hungry gangs.


Sane scientists have provided

Tremendous production possibilities;

To allow humans to live happier

And enjoy freer and natural activities.


But profits were sufficient

To attract a greedy few

To pervert their sense of right.

Thus many scientists were persuaded,

To wrong and corruption

Without a great fight.


So warlike activities were promoted

For the good of major money schemes;

Diverting all humane development projects,

For the sake of warrior dreams.


Arming themselves as atomic superpowers,

Of the East and the West;

Never-ending sales were generated

For war materials

From all the rest.


Localised wars were fueled

By hook or by crook

Or by rogues,

Sponsoring local immorality;

And strife between petty gangs

Of ill repute.


None have the time or interest,

To know how many innocent lives

Are sacrificed;

Just too busy guarding their gains

And designs for it ever to be multiplied.


War is Declared by Twitter Man of [So Called] Free World against Rocket Man. Loose talk can harm and kill scarify-able beloveds of own nation and too many beloveds of hated nations.

Bankrupt small nation can attack now even the richest by Hydrogen Bombs; killing few millions more by local war games living nearby. All the wasted millions in buying war materials from the War Creators will not be saving their innocent citizens. Many so-called hated rulers in listed enemy-nations are enjoying and hoping with own crooked plans for maximum harms are suffered by their own enemy nation/s [ of past, present and future.]  

A local in Florida told me many time that Son of God died a prolong and painfully slow bleeding to death on CROSS for 'Sins of his own followers'. I used to ask; Why still His Followers are continuing Sinning against living beings and natural resources by over-used, marginalizing, hurting and killing trapped living beings at home and abroad more since day of His unforgettable Scarify? 

Why His Followers are not still re-awakened and have allow the few within USA & UK for leading for causing most inhumane acts, destructive ways of livings and direct costs of harming and killing innocent living beings even before 2017. Now more that will be possible by accepting and or becoming racist by acceptance of Racism as respectable personality.  

Blaming selected groups as reasons for poor living within own country enough are brain-washes to accept racism as humane behaviour within civilised nations. Keep-on cutting the living needs while keep-on making self richer and it have been allowed to work so far to control majorities own paymasters as herds of sheep to ignore evil deeds of own few that honoured as VIPs.

VIPs in Public & Private establishment must cut down their own income to balance books as it will not cancel their own enjoyable longevity but little control on own Greed; rather than keep adding hurt and suffering on present and future generations to keep existing as poorer majorities

Keep on cutting down earn-able income and public service that are most needed by poor majorities assure unhealthy unskilled druggist short-lived as is present seen especially within UK & USA.

None should be in VIPs position for taking any income or benefits to higher living or becoming richer by selfish spending of Public Funds; while heartless individuals keep increasing suffering on poor majorities.

With prolong living with high enough pensions have enough of able, active and WISE Humane pensioners in most countries to run all Govt departments & every Public Services. As long as they are awakened spiritually with humane upbringing none of them will need of more money as salary and millions in declared/known and undeclared/unknown benefits. Supervising younger generation with proven unselfish acts most of man-made problems in such societies will be reduced to minimum.

High Living on Public Funds + making richer by activities that are harming & killing poor majorities are unforgettable punishable SINS & KNOWN to GOD and His Son nor will be He be Sent or Coming again to die similar painful and slowly bleeding death for them.


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