Let us follow Buddha's teachings

Let us follow Buddha's teachings

Live consciously, don’t fret over your past. Don’t dream too much about your future. live in this very moment and be conscious of it. Don’t follow anyone blindly,be it a scripture or a great man's thought. Let your own conscious and intelligence be the judge of any principle. There are 4 noble truths:

1. suffering is universal and will always be there

2. The reason for this grief is our attraction towards an object that is destructible,so where does all lead us?

3. we must be sensible to achieve enlightenment. Focus on yourself , Ignore grief at all cost. Ignore happiness as well. Always remain stable between these two extremities.

4. you will be free of all the grief and learn the ultimate truth

We consider the world we live in as the ultimate truth,but it's only an ephemeral game of pain and grief. Whatever came into existence will be destroyed someday. Its the ultimate law. Ignorance is the root cause of all disparity. Neither prayers nor fasting can destroy ignorance. Even offering sacrifices can't get rid of ignorance. Only meditation can drive away ignorance. Beauty is ephemeral, so a dispassionate person never gets enchanted by beauty or gets revolted by ugliness.

The movement you realized that you were about to commit crime, at that very moment you took your first step towards salvation. There can only be 2 mistakes while treading the path of truth. One, you may give up before reaching your destination and two , not even starting your journey. Hatred can't take away hatred. Only love can consume hatred. This is the unalterable law of nature. Life follows death and death follows life. If we can consciously see this law in action, then everyday of our lives can be filled with peace,wisdom,bliss and boundless contentment.

Nothing is terrible as fury,nothing is harmful as hatred,nothing is deceptive as indirection,nothing is obstructive as greed. A man's mind is his greatest enemy. It makes him do almost anything. Our thoughts dictate our results. Good thoughts lead to good results,bad thoughts lead to bad results. This is the eternal law of nature. Only through compassion can we understand the pain of others. It can remove his pain forever. No matter how many verses we read from the scriptures, until they become our second nature,they are of no help.

There are 3 stages of attaining salvation, Ethical conduct, meditation & wisdom. If we follow the ethics,our practice of meditation gets ennobled. The practice of meditation uplifts knowledge That helps in following high morals & ethics, so we can get rid of avarice,wrath & ignorance. After getting rid of these vices, once can attain salvation. Not only in the mortal world, but also in our afterlife we will be rewarded as per our deeds. Here is a secret of our life, free our life,free ourselves from fear. No one knows what lies in our future. we shouldn't depend on others. Once we reject our fears, we would be completely free.

Righteousness & order dwell in every man's conscience. The power of awakening one's conscience is termed as Buddha The path we choose after awakening is termed as righteousness. Concentrating, controlling and focusing one's mind is termed as order. We have them within us. No matter how many religious books you read, or even if you memorize them, if you don’t apply those principles in your life, then all your efforts are in vain. We have to tell these 3 universal truths to everyone; generous heart,kind words, a life dedicated to serves others & compassion.

These 3 mantras will rejuvenate the entire humankind. If you are intelligent, death can't scare you. The body is mortal, but My words, My teachings, will always enlighten your minds. Be your own light, be your own guide. Recognize the Buddha within you. Be aware & follow the path of righteousness. Meditate & awaken yourself. Surrender yourself. Don't look for anyone for guidance. Everything around is volatile. Be steady & keep calm among all the chaos. Always work hard & make relentless efforts. Never give up.

After achieving enlightenment , Buddha taught few children about the importance of Mindfulness. Buddha said - “When you children peel a tangerine, you can eat it with awareness or without awareness. What does it mean to eat a tangerine in awareness? When you are eating the tangerine, you are aware that you are eating the tangerine. You fully experience its lovely fragrance and sweet taste. When you peel the tangerine, you know that you are peeling the tangerine; when you remove a slice and put it in your mouth, you know that you are removing a slice and putting it in your mouth; when you experience the lovely fragrance and sweet taste of the tangerine, you are aware that you are experiencing the lovely fragrance and sweet taste of the tangerine.

The tangerine Nandabala offered me had nine sections. I ate each morsel in awareness and saw how precious and wonderful it was. I did not forget the tangerine, and thus the tangerine became something very real to me. If the tangerine is real, the person eating it is real. That is what it means to eat a tangerine in awareness. “Children, what does it mean to eat a tangerine without awareness? When you are eating the tangerine, you do not know that you are eating the tangerine. You do not experience the lovely fragrance and sweet taste of the tangerine.

When you peel the tangerine, you do not know that you are peeling the tangerine; when you remove a slice and put it in your mouth, you do not know that you are removing a slice and putting it in your mouth; when you smell the fragrance or taste the tangerine, you do not know that you are smelling the fragrance and tasting the tangerine. Eating a tangerine in such a way, you cannot appreciate its precious and wonderful nature. If you are not aware that you are eating the tangerine, the tangerine is not real. If the tangerine is not real, the person eating it is not real either. Children, that is eating a tangerine without awareness.

“Children, eating the tangerine in mindfulness means that while eating the tangerine you are truly in touch with it. Your mind is not chasing after thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow, but is dwelling fully in the present moment. The tangerine is truly present. Living in mindful awareness means to live in the present moment, your mind and body dwelling in the very here and now. “A person who practices mindfulness can see things in the tangerine that others are unable to see.

An aware person can see the tangerine tree, the tangerine blossom in the spring, the sunlight and rain which nourished the tangerine. Looking deeply, one can see ten thousand things which have made the tangerine possible. Looking at a tangerine, a person who practices awareness can see all the wonders of the universe and how all things interact with one another. Children, our daily life is just like a tangerine. Just as a tangerine is comprised of sections, each day is comprised of twenty-four hours.

One hour is like one section of tangerine. Living all twenty-four hours of a day is like eating all the sections of a tangerine. The path I have found is the path of living each hour of the day in awareness, mind and body always dwelling in the present moment. The opposite is to live in forgetfulness. If we live in forgetfulness, we do not know that we are alive. We do not fully experience life because our mind and body are not dwelling in the here and now.” Buddham Saranam Gacchami!

Stupendous post Sir.. You have evolved as a personal Buddha for so many of us.. Thank you



