Let us Enter into The New Year with great confidence
Bethel Evangelistic And Rehab...Centre
Director & Senior Pastor at Bethel Evanggelistic And Rehabilitation Centre
Let us be honest before the Lord and reflect our journey in the wilderness and see how dark our past was! For me life was not easy at all, but only battle, rejections and failures. I spent some years in the Indian Army, then with O.M.India, then with some years with Anderson Church Of God, etc...Now I can say that I was neither warm nor cold, then. I was Spiritual, but walked on religious set up! Then I got married at the age of 29; my wife Molly and was asked to move to where I am now. Then started greater “whirlwind” and “Typhoon:” in our Newly Married life. We starved and the people ---unfortunately in was my father and mother and kind and kith----who invited for ministry
never wanted our ministry because Molly and I never talked in Tongues.--- Money was scarce. We had nothing to eat. O.M.India (Bro. Alfy Franks) sent books, gospel packets and tracts. We sold them and lived and supported 2 more assistant workers. Our First Son Died after 6 months as we could not treat him well.?
Molly and I sought the Lord and He looked at our predicament and started to do marvels and wonders. One Sunday Morning I was arranging the chapel for our small gathering and word came from Molly from my home inside the Village that a “Foreigner wanted to see me”. We all worshipped the Lord and after the service the gentle man said that he did not believe in church because they collected tax. But he handed over 7000 INR, sent by our friends in Germany and left.?
Then came another test. Our daughter Betty was seriously ill with “Polymiosytes” which is a rare African Decease! We admitted in St.John’s Medical College for 3 weeks and finally they asked us to take her home. To-Day she is alive and a mother of 2 kids and she and her husband serve the Apostolic Church in Gudalur.?
The Lord gave us a small property where we have our House and other facilities for ministry. ?????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????????????? ???????? ?????? ????????; ?????? ?? ?????????????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????????????? ???????? ??????? ????????????????. We do not work for any organization or receive a regular salary from any one! ?????? ???? ?????? ???????????? ???? ????????????!?
We are in Church Planting and we are a blessing to so many p[astors, evangelists and churches. We want you also to join our efforts to take the gospel to unreached people and plant churches. Support the pastors and evangelists and support our social service activities.!?
Just imagine, how many would have thought that we will totally perish and runaway somewhere or commit suicide! How grateful we are to Him and are very careful to walk with Him and walk in the Holy Spirit!?
You also may be experiencing deep depression, may be a sense of “worthlessness” has possessed your heart. You see no help from any one. It seems that your Prayers are not heard. You may be struggling with utter poverty and lack! My friend, let me assure you 1000 times that GOD HAS NOT EITHER FORGOTTEN YOU OR FORFSAKEN YOU! Like the Potter in Jeremiah in chapter 18, THE LORD IS MAKING YOU A UNIQUE VESSEL. You are going to be God’s Special!
“ 5?Then the word of the?Lord?came to me:?6?“O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?” says the?Lord. “Look carefully, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel.?7?At one moment I might [suddenly] speak concerning a nation or kingdom, that I will uproot and break down and destroy;?8?if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, ?? ???????? [??]???????????? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????? ???????? ?? ???????????????? ???? ????.”.? (Jeremiah. 18:5-9)”
It is important to believe that God is willing to forgive us of all our sins and fill us with His Presence and fullness of life! So Apostle Paul exhorts us with His Compelling words,”
?I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured?and?made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. [Philipp.4.13-14]
Let us begin our New Year -2025, with a Holy Courage in the Living God and rise again from the fallen places to run the race!
Kindly, Pray for us and connect with us!
Arvind Mohan Dass. T