Let Us Discuss Will
Besant says, “We choose freely by motive,” and “Will is determined by the strongest motive, which comes from WITHIN, not from without. Will is a free floating energy but without consciously directed motive, it is not free will.” It should also be stated that one’s true motive is the basis on which one’s Karma is created. A person’s true motive might or might not be conscious. It is quite easy for a person to rationalize the reason he/she does certain actions to justify them. She goes on to elaborate that genuine freedom of will occurs “when the true constraints of all the parts is realized, and the entity realizes that it is separate from the Not-Self, and has the potential to control all outside the SELF.” This true higher Self is in Reality our individual Monads which initially descended into gross material Matter. At the higher than the material level this Monad is called the Soul. The human entity is a triad: Spirit--Soul--Body. The individual entity at various times in its spiritual advancement identifies with one or the other of these three aspects of our true Self. Thank you. End.