Let The Jails Be Empty

Let The Jails Be Empty

Let Them Be Empty #StanByndom

This is translated line by line into Galilean Aramaic (Jesus tongue) with the original English provided for reference.\

Message to BlkMen: Let The Jails Be Empty


Ahawatha (??????????)

We speak now, not in whispers,

Nēmar hashta, lā b’lechashaya (?????? ?????????, ??? ?????????????)

But with the fire that shook the chains off our ancestors.

Ela b’nūra dah zarzār le’shalsh’lay qadmāya (?????? ????????? ??? ??????? ????????????? ?????????)

With the voice of Boukman Dutty, who stood at the crossroad of death and freedom,

B’qolēh d’Bookman Dutty, de’qām b’parshat d’mota u’cheruta (?????????? ???????????? ??????, ?????? ??????????? ????????? ???????????)

Dutty Boukman: Haitain Revolutionary

And cried out:

U’tza’ach (???????)

“The god who created the sun that gives us light,

Who rouses the waves and makes the thunder roar—

This god is with us! He will destroy your enemies and put them in our hands.”

“Alaha da’bara shamsa d’yaheb lana nūra,

da’merach galay w’avad rama,

hā Alaha amman. Ye?ab lakhin l’yadain.”

(??????? ????????? ????????? ???????? ????? ??????, ????????? ?????? ??????? ?????, ??? ??????? ??????. ????? ????????.)

And here we stand, with their victory in our blood.

W’ha khan qāminan b’nitz’chonhon b’damman (????? ????? ???????? ???????????????? ??????????)

The jails were never built for our spirits.

Beit asira lā abdu b’shabaya d’nishmatan (????? ???????? ??? ??????? ???????????? ????????????)

They were built to cage the brilliance they feared in us.

Ela asavay b’?orpayu dah dakhilu b’manan (?????? ???????? ?????????????? ???????? ????????)

But let the walls crumble, not by their mercy,

Ela le’machitzan n’damar, lā b’chesedayhon (?????? ?????????? ????????, ??? ???????????????)

But by the excellence we will not deny ourselves.

Ela b’shalmayuta d’lā ne’mānan l’nafsan (?????? ???????????????? ????? ??????? ??????????)

Today, we say: no more.

Yomana, amar’na: lā od (????????, ?????????: ??? ????)

No more falling for their lies,

Lā od nefilan b’shaqrayhon (??? ???? ???????? ???????????????)

The shiny bait of destruction,

Poharay d’?urbana (???????? ??????????????)

The petty tricks that pit brother against brother,

Aramin z’iran dah shakhlun ach b’ach (???????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ??? ??????)

The traps laid in schools, courts, and neighborhoods.

Ma’armin d’semay b’beit sipray, beit dina u’rechovot (?????????? ???????? ??????? ???????, ????? ??????? ???????????)

We refuse.

Me’sar’na (?????????)

We refuse to be their numbers, their profits, their pawns.

Lā ne’ve?inan l’minyanhon, revachhon, b’noyhon (??? ?????????? ??????????????, ???????????, ????????????)

We refuse to let their systems define us.

Me’sar’na l’sis’mayhon l’tsa’eran l’manan (????????? ??????????????? ????????? ???????)

The Hebrew Commonwealth Wheel of Life: All Art by BL@IK

This is the season of life.

Hada zimna d’chaya (?????? ??????? ?????????)

The season where we take their chains

Zimna dah shekelan shalsh’layhon (??????? ???? ???????? ???????????????)

And forge keys to kingdoms they can’t imagine.

W’nitbach maftechan l’malchuyot d’lō yechlu l’me’shayva (?????????? ?????????? ????????????? ?????? ??????? ????????????)

We are not prisoners.

Lā asiran anan (??? ???????? ?????)

Not of their walls, their fears, or their imaginations.

Lā shel mechitzayhon, dechalayhon, u’dimyonayhon (??? ???? ????????????, ????????????, ????????????????)

We are the descendants of kings and priests,

Anan tzētay mal’kīn u’chanin (????? ?????? ????????? ???????????)

Of warriors who whispered the names of God as they fought.

D’giborīn dah lachashu shemat Alaha b’karvayu (?????????????? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???????????????)

Today, the battlefield is different.

Yomana, sadeh milchamta shani (????????, ?????? ???????????? ??????)

The weapons are policies, pixels, and poison disguised as hope.

Manay milchamta hon chokay, ?eserīn, u’rorah da’atsifta (?????? ???????????? ???? ??????, ????????, ?????????? ??????????????)

But our armor is unbroken—

Ela shiryanan shalim (?????? ?????????? ??????)

Faith, wisdom, and the unity of a people who refuse to die.

Heimnu?a, ?akim?a, u’dachida d’am d’lō rāyē le’muta (???????????, ????????????, ?????????? ????? ?????? ????? ????????)

Let the jails be empty,

T’na shovay ?ashin (?????? ??????? ???????)

Not by their pardons but by our purpose.

Lā b’?asdayhon ela b’mataretan (??? ??????????????? ?????? ??????????????)

Let the traps go unsprung,

T’na ma’armin b’la safan (?????? ?????????? ?????? ??????)

Because we step carefully, wisely, and together.

D’ātlinan b’matuna, b’?akima, u’be’chaduta (????????????? ???????????, ????????????, ?????????????)

We are not alone.

Lā l’chudan anan (??? ???????? ?????)

The ancestors whisper through our veins,

Avhatan lachshan b’damanan (????????? ???????? ????????????)

And the Creator’s hand guides our steps.

U’yada d’barya shemen le’mish’?an (??????? ?????????? ?????? ??????????)

We walk paths they thought we’d never find.

Mahlin shvilin dah chashvon d’lō neqashay (???????? ?????????? ???? ????????? ?????? ????????)

This is the season of life.

Hada zimna d’chaya (?????? ??????? ?????????)

We build homes, not prisons.

Baninan batei, lā bait asira (????????? ???????, ??? ????? ????????)

We plant gardens, not graveyards.

Natlin gannot, lā qebartaya (????????? ????????, ??? ????????????)

We teach our sons to read freedom,

Lamedin lan b’nayan l’mikrei cheruta (????????? ??? ????????? ????????? ?????????)

And our daughters to sing resilience.

U’batayan l’nashar chumrayuta (??????????? ????????? ??????????????)

And when they ask who we are,

U’kad sha’linan man anan (????? ??????????? ??? ?????)

We answer:

Anan p’laman (????? ?????? ???)

We are the dream and the defiance.

Chlmana w’chutz’pan (????????? ???????????)

We are the living, unbroken promise of a people who will not bow.

Anan chayen, brit shalema d’am d’lō yitqafyan (????? ???????, ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????????????)

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