Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy!

Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy!

Why did God put us here?

A question many, including I, have asked and meditated upon many times.

Why do we hang on to this life so tightly and believe it to be so dear?

Another good question, but have you noticed this world gone mad, with its increasing chaos and crime?

We are indeed God's spiritual offspring.

We were put here to learn eternal lessons and be formed into His likeness and image.

Pondering and meditating upon these truths makes me break out in joy and sing.

Knowing my and your ultimate purpose for being here, does it not make you want to pay Him homage?

But many will wonder and with valid reason, why does He allow evil?

The honest truth is that evil oftentimes results in good, and serves an eternal purpose we cannot readily see.

Many of us also ascribe much of our turmoil and evil to the devil.

Were there not in the garden of Eden, the tree of Life and one which possessed the knowledge of good and evil; do you recall this tree?

Truth be told he, the devil or Satan, is limited in power and was created by God for a specific purpose.

He answers only to God and cannot touch us without His permission.

Peruse the Book of Job, Chapter 1, verse 12 in particular, and you will find one such example in which Satan is limited and not so pompous.

God, who is omnipotent has, throughout the ages, sent him away from His presence to perform many similar missions.

God's ultimate plans and purposes for all mankind will be fully consummated.

Satan, was also referred to in the Book of Genesis (Chapter 3, verse 1) as the most subtle and crafty of His creatures.

So, again I return to my original premise for us being created.

When we lay down our limited bodies of clay and water, our spirits will return to our real Father, purified and tried by His Holy Spirit our personal and internal teacher.

Let us then give Him all the glory and praise He is due.

This evil, devil or Satan will be nothing but a forgotten opponent, and yes one of our teachers.

No matter how worrisome or hopeless our situation may appear, God is both LOVE and truth.

Of all that He has created, as wonderful and numerous as they may be, we will always remain the apple of His eye as His most special creature.

How awesome are all these thoughts!

Have a great day, and remember it was with His Son's blood that we have ALL been restored and “bought” (Book of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 6, verses 19 & 20).


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