Let the Renaissance Begin
It’s an exciting time for Scouting America? as we celebrate 115 years of adventure, positive youth development, and community strengthening. The DBA is now different, but the values of our movement remain as they were when W.D. Boyce incorporated the Boy Scouts of America on February 8, 1910. Our programs and elements have adapted over the decades, but The Scout Oath and Scout Law remain as James E. West modified them back in 1911. ?Scouting in our Republic has endured through world wars, pandemics, economic turmoil, scandals, and shifting cultural tides. It’s a distinct part of our national heritage and I am proud to be associated with scouting as both a parent and a volunteer.
?In fact, I believe we are on the verge of what one might term a #scoutingrenaissance. The word renaissance literally means rebirth. In historical terms, it refers to a period of great enthusiasm for new ways of thinking and creating that are rooted in classical philosophies and language. So many works of art, scientific advancements, and new technologies came from the period between the 15th and 16th centuries that today, many consider the European Renaissance the transition to our modern era. Scouting is at the dawn of a similar era with new innovations that connect back to the time-honored values of its founders.
Young families are looking for activities that provide a positive experience for their children. Programs where their sons and daughters are welcomed as they are and recognized for the efforts they put towards who they can become. Unlike other common extracurriculars such as sports, clubs, and fine arts, scouting is not normally “specialized”. Scouts are encouraged to create their own adventure through a wide array of elective programming. Many scouts are also athletes, artists, and academic achievers but scouting truly allows them to author their own story. One which is not written at the expense of others.
Consider the following. In youth sports, the few “MVPs” usually receive more playing time and significantly more recognition. Theater productions only have so many lead roles. A band likely only has one or two drum majors and a few section leaders. Show choirs and competitive dance teams can have very high barriers to entry. There’s only one valedictorian in each graduating class. ?Align all of that with a time when young people truly need to be welcomed and nurtured (“I wish I could go back to middle school” said no one ever), many are cut from teams or productions due to the competitive framework and limited spots. In contrast, every scout can reach high levels of personal development, leadership, and recognition. Scouts are not limited by their current physical, musical, or intellectual abilities. In short, every young person can become an Eagle if they are supported by their parents, their peers, and a healthy scouting unit. Soccer is indeed a beautiful game, but scouting helps prepare a young person for a beautiful life.
Soccer is indeed a beautiful game, but scouting helps prepare a young person for a beautiful life.
The beauty of scouting is not possible without two key ingredients. The first is funding. It’s expensive to provide safe, quality programs and incredible facilities like Philmont Scout Ranch, Florida Sea Base, and Ransburg Scout Reservation. The national organization and local council professionals work tirelessly to resource and manage ?these experiences. Packs and troops also need funding for various activities and gear like trailers, stoves, and Pinewood Derby tracks. Individual scouts need personal gear, a uniform, and appropriate footwear. Like other activities, there are annual membership fees and fundraising efforts to offset these costs. Local councils also work to support youth through camperships and various scholarship programs. Money should never be a reason a family does not choose scouting. Participation cost is actually one of the easier barriers to overcome.
Harder to mitigate is the shortage of trained adult volunteers. A recent BBC article highlights this challenge as it states there are more than 100,000 youth on waiting lists to join the program, but the Scout Association is limited by the number of adult leaders. In the U.S., there have been around a million youth in scouting’s programs for the past three years. However, between 2022 and 2023 the number of nationally registered adult volunteers decreased by more than 150,000! That’s a 24% decrease in the support network for scouts, units, and councils. This mirrors what I see in my home council where adult registration has fallen 26% over the same period. This year in my district we will have 40+ youth in search of a new pack or troop due to a shortage of registered volunteers to serve those units. We may not yet be at the crisis level that the UK is experiencing but this trend raises a red flag for all who are concerned with the future of scouting.
My wife and I were discussing this topic this weekend and she provided a terrific insight.? Christine told me that when people outside or new to scouting hear “adult leader” (the term we use to identify registered volunteers) they associate that with a pretty large commitment. So, perhaps our pitch should be “we need fun-loving, caring adults who enjoy spending time with energetic young people and are able to lend a hand with various tasks.” Every scouting unit can use hands to create a flyer, make a run to the store, or keep track of belt loops and patches. At the council level, volunteers help distribute information, staff events, and facilitate training. The average scouting volunteer gives 20 hours of service each month but even giving the proverbial “hour a week” makes a tremendous difference in the lives of young people in the community.
WANTED: Fun-loving, caring adults who enjoy spending time with energetic young people and are able to lend a hand with various tasks
Those of us who have been at this awhile know that scouting brings us closer to our own children and to our neighbors. It also exposes us to the talents of the amazing young people who do not live in our house. Through well-developed training, the program helps us become better parents, friends, professionals, and citizens. ?An additional perk is that we get to experience the program alongside of the youth(scuba anyone?) and it is so much fun! Absolutely no experience in camping is necessary to help with a scouting unit. Becoming registered is as simple as filling out an application, agreeing to the background check, and completing about an hour of critical training around youth protection. Membership fees for adult volunteers are minimal and some units even cover the cost of their adults. If you have love in your heart for the young people in your community, consider seeing how your talents can benefit them.
Scouting is unique in that every young person in the program can experience growth and recognition regardless of their current level of physical, musical, or intellectual ability. The environment is focused on preparing them for life’s challenges and encouraging them to believe in what they can become. Just like the renaissance, there appears to be a new enthusiasm around scouting’s innovations and timeless values. For the movement to remain strong, it needs both funding and willing volunteers at every level. If you have questions or want to know more, reach out to me at any time. Here’s to the next century of the #scoutingrenaissance.
Yours in scouting,
The above article reflects my personal perspective and is not affiliated, endorsed, or representative of Scouting America?