Let The Record Show It Started in New York State
I continue to recommend that people look at various news sources as not all relevant articles get carried by newspapers that you may rely on all of the time. There is nothing wrong with scanning the headlines from different news sources when it comes to having a full awareness of what is going on around you.
I recently saw an article on a quick first glance would see a step in the right direction, however, as people continue to connect the dots, like I have been trying to do for those who cannot see for themselves…maybe the end of the finish line is not so pretty after all.
Governor Kathy Hochul announced plans to expand the criteria for involuntary mental health commitments. This proposal will make it easier to commit individuals deemed a danger to themselves or others and streamline court-ordered outpatient treatment.
While I absolutely agree that more resources need to be put into mental health resources, given my personal experience in Cayuga County, NY, here is my take on what that corrupt government and legal system will do with this proposed change.
I predict this law will be the keystone law that corrupt government and unethical legal professionals will use to justify and deny our Constitutional First Amendment of Free Speech as well as our Constitutional Amendment to Bear Arms, as well as other grotesque violations of civil liberties and rights…which I continue to be subjected to by the corrupt government and unethical legal professionals of Cayuga County, NY.
I have stated this publicly many times in my life since I was eligible to vote (that one will be gone too soon), which is that I am not affiliated or registered with any political party. I consider myself to be an Equal Opportunity Voter who thoroughly enjoys voting corrupt and unethical politicians out of office regardless of their political party. I vote for the candidates who are running and who most closely represent my values and beliefs for various policies and decisions.
I also have no interest in running for any political office, I have too much fun behind the scenes to give that piece up. However, I am not opposed to meeting with various leadership boards or committees if there will be serious conversations. Otherwise, please do not waste anyone’s time and time is all but running out.
While I am a lifetime Patriot Life Endowment Member and Golden Eagle of the National Rifle Association (NRA), I absolutely have voted against candidates who received high grades from the NRA and I have absolutely voted for candidates who received failing grades from the NRA. In my opinion, the NRA has fallen into the same trap as all of the other organizations…because that is what the American people want by continuing to vote in politicians who are paid for by wealthy corporations.
I understand the fear factor of having your Second Amendments rights taken away from you, because that is exactly what is happening to me now…based on verifiable false statements and filing of false instruments in a court with the corrupt and unethical legal professionals paving the way forward.
I really wish the leadership of the NRA would stop a minute and realize by supporting those types of political candidates, they are actually increasing the chances of losing our Second Amendment rights. Instead of the fear factor, the NRA should be spending its money on training the general population about gun safety, the Golden Eagle Program, and related activities that go hand and hand with gun ownership in the outdoors. Instead of peppering your members with mailing about losing our gun rights if we don’t contribute now…why not cut down on the paper mailings almost all together and instead focus on member benefits, including the charitable and community service work the NRA does an amazing job at supporting, but does a poor job at promoting because of too much time and money spent on the fear factor to elect politicians who do not have our Constitutional Second Amendment Rights as their priorities. Those bought and paid for politicians’ priorities are more money and power…which leads to more corruption…and that is what is currently making the world go round and round. This instead of the idea of letting us all work together to make our home a better place. Oh well, better luck next time.
To the leadership of the NRA, feel free to reach out to me and I am happy to sit down with you and anyone else from the NRA leadership to discuss how we can increase membership, training, and gun ownership. Please do not waste my time unless you are willing to discuss a national system for background checks on gun purchases. I also believe that a program similar to what New York State, and other states, have for a mandatory Hunter Safety course. I would like to see a similar one offered nationally (similar to safe driving courses) that isn’t run by our government, but run by private training organizations that meet an agreed upon set of standards. These standards are already out there and could easily be modified by taking into account concerns of the various stakeholders. If everyone is going to come to the table with their own priorities and no real room for negotiation…then there is no point in wasting anyone’s time and you all will continue to "reap the fruit of the seeds you have sown".
I predict if people quit being dumbasses and sit around a table that both a balance in gun safety and ownership can be reached, which is turn would increase both respect for guns and gun laws…but more importantly…respect for our Constitutional Second Amendment Rights. They have already denied me my Constitutional Rights based on false statements and corruption, as well as many of my civil liberties. You see how hard I am fighting, what do you think is going to happen after they murder me too? How many people are going to fight as hard as I have been if the end result of those efforts is my death? I can already tell you right now, most people won’t take any action and then when it’s too late at the time of reckoning is upon us, then everyone will be looking around at each other wondering how the hell this happened. I am already committed to continue my march forward regardless of the costs or consequences. If I have to give my life to protect our Constitution and the rights and freedoms that my father, and the rest of the men and women in my family who have served and fought for this country for generations…then I am more than willing to make that commitment. I know what is at stake here if there continues to be no action.
How does this recent proposal fit into all of the other parts of this well-oiled machine…take a look for yourself.
I was happy to see the NYS Attorney General Letitia James assigned a special prosecutor to investigate the death of a man beaten by New York corrections officers.
Hopefully after Governor Hochul gets that proposal pushed through as fast as Albany can move…then I am fully expecting a repeat of Christmas Eve for me again. Hopefully NYS Attorney General Letitia James will assign a special prosecutor to investigate my death too…although…if I was a betting man, both Governor Hochul and NYS Attorney General Letitia James will soon be told by the incoming administration…that they are FIRED!
I will continue my march forward regardless because I am all too aware of the consequences of inaction.
While I have enjoyed spending time here, and no one can accuse me of not having tried to squeeze every drop out of life that was reasonable at the time, at some point we all have to get to a point where you either stay in your current situation by voting the same parties and people they represent into office…or just leave if there is no hope left for change. It is always sad to be assigned to try to clean up a big mess, only to find out the people you…or more than likely…the people who you pay with your tax dollars…are the ones not only making the big mess…but also codifying and destroying legal ways for the protections our forefathers gave everything for to have the freedoms we enjoy today and what people from other countries around the world look to aspire to us. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news (but not really), as someone who has lived overseas for seven years…the view of our country has been changing from around the world and finally people on the inside are starting to see what is going on and where this place is heading. And you are absolute correct in your assessment if you continue to ignore what I am saying.
To help paint the picture a little clearer using my own situation as a shining example of where this place is heading if people don’t wake up soon…here is a recap of some people, places, and events to refresh everyone’s memories. As you review what I am saying below, also please keep in mind what I am saying above. If you look at each from both directions, then you will clearly see what is at the center…and what is desperately needed for you all to save yourselves…from yourselves.
I am not going to go into the details as I have my situation so well documented that at some point the TRUTH will come out. I may not be around to see the expressions on everyone’s faces, which would be priceless indeed, however, there is no doubt my services will be appreciated elsewhere. It really is no big deal to me considering how I have been treated and the continued grotesque abuse I am being subjected to by these corrupt and unethical government officials legal professionals.
So in the spirit of ongoing transparency…here you go. If you would like more specifics and details, you can always review the Cayuga County Case Study…which needs to be updated…big time.
Besides going through divorce proceedings longer than my 11 month marriage with no kids and a prenuptial agreement, I was also provided with the following gifts from the corrupt and unethical government and legal professionals in Cayuga County, NY.
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) webpage from Cayuga County for those who may want to know more about the asbestos issue and why just two years earlier the contractor they hired for renovations...somehow overlooked the "vermiculite" issue...or not...
Here is the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) webpage from Cayuga County, NY.
Here is the Freedom of Information Law Request (pdf) for Cayuga County, NY.
Then I found out a little more about the workings of the Cayuga County Court System that I think is worth sharing from the headlines, but would encourage everyone to review a little deeper. One message I continue to say is that no one is going to convince me that Sue Dwyer wasn’t aware of what was going on and I am very interested to hear her sworn testimony about whether or not she knew about the corruption and associated activities going on in Cayuga County, especially regarding the children. I would like a federal judge to ask all county employees who have any connection to the legal system and Cayuga County government the same question. Here are some more dots for you to connect with some comments.
In fact Sue was so supportive of Chris Petrus that she even made a YouTube video: Sue Dwyer endorses Chris Petrus for Cayuga County clerk (3:45). I loved the reference to Chris being part of the Cayuga County “Dream Team”.
Hhhmmm…I’m sure Chris Petrus must be aware of my cases given the substantial amount of documentation I gave to my lawyer, Carl DePalma, so he really can’t say he was an unknowing participant…nor can Sue Dwyer or the rest of them that have been playing along so nicely with their support of what is happening to the children of Cayuga County, NY.
At the end of the day, I continue let the narcissists and their flying monkeys do what they do best…which is to simply be themselves…and I will continue to document the process and keep up with my exposure campaign until something is done about it one way or the other.
I keep laughing at these dumbasses in their attempts at carrying out their stated death threats against me like what almost happened on Christmas Eve for my mother. I’m sure it would have bothered my mother for her to watch her son beaten to death on Christmas Eve or Christmas…or maybe I will be the first test case for what “involuntary commitment” and “educational reprogramming” will look like in this beautiful new year that is upon us all.
Someone really should tell these corrupt and unethical legal professionals and the rest of Sweet, Inc (The Ring), that despite their best efforts…you will not be successful trying the threaten someone with death who believes in reincarnation. It just doesn’t work…my apologies, but not really.
Hhhmmm…I’m sure Chris Petrus must be aware of my cases given the substantial amount of documentation I gave to my lawyer, Carl DePalma, so he really can’t say he was an unknowing participant…nor can Sue Dwyer or the rest of them that have been playing along so nicely with their support of what is happening to the children of Cayuga County, NY.
At the end of the day, I continue let the narcissists and their flying monkeys do what they do best…which is to simply be themselves…and I will continue to document the process and keep up with my exposure campaign until something is done about it one way or the other.
I keep laughing at these dumbasses in their attempts at carrying out their stated death threats against me like what almost happened on Christmas Eve for my mother. I’m sure it would have bothered my mother for her to watch her son beaten to death on Christmas Eve or Christmas…or maybe I will be the first test case for what “involuntary commitment” and “educational reprogramming” will look like in this beautiful new year that is upon us all.
Someone really should tell these corrupt and unethical legal professionals and the rest of Sweet, Inc (The Ring), that despite their best efforts…you will not be successful trying the threaten someone with death who believes in reincarnation. It just doesn’t work…my apologies, but not really.
Either way, the train is going to keep on rolling regardless of what THEY say or do…and that is not a threat…that is a promise.
This article can also be found on the Substack newsletter: "Let The Record Show It Started in New York State".
Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional
1 周"How Sweet Is This Love?" (https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/how-sweet-love-jerry-gordon-eanle)
Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional
1 周(https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerry-gordon-35900021_the-team-activity-7299104709192105984-QU0M
Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional
1 周"How Sweet Is This Love?" (https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/how-sweet-love-jerry-gordon-eanle)
Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional
2 周Cayuga County Law Enforcement confirmed yesterday they have no intention on pursuing any action against Sweet, Inc. What would you do if it were your child?
Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional
2 周https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerry-gordon-35900021_hey-everybodywhat-if-it-was-your-children-activity-7295127240042795009-Z7j8/