?? Let out what's inside you and the world will beat a path to your door

?? Let out what's inside you and the world will beat a path to your door

?? Universal rules apply to all humans.

If you are a dog or cactus no need to read further.

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Snoopy eating bones

For the rest of us, following the advice below may change your life. ??

It's heartfelt, based on real-world experience, and comes from deep inside me.

?? Pull these elements together and change your income and life trajectory. ??

Here's a caveat to keep in mind before you read further.


Your answers are in front of your nose!

Only you can access them. ???

The information below is a framework that works, not a magic pill answer.

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Get deep and create personal, work, and market blueprints.

This is how to release energy, build something that lasts, and surround yourself with people you truly enjoy leading and serving.

?? Find what's unique about you.

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?? Know exactly how you want to spend your days.

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?? Identify the motivational desire, pain, and outcome your people want more than anything.

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?? Become an expert in your marketplace.

Stop chasing projects and move into insider status as you build relationships and partnerships with peers and influencers, as well as with potential customers.

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?? Learn how to meet the right people and create opportunities without exhausting sales tactics, hacks, and tricks.

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?? When you talk to people, unlock the gold inside them rather than drone on and on about you, or use sales tricks to probe for pain and need.

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?? Give people a sense of what it's like to work with you.

Don't be afraid of free, as long as you are talking to somebody who will walk away having received value and is inside your core marketplace.

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?? Create a product with your market and build products and offers that nobody else could create or copy.

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?? Know what you stand for and remove or diminish your Fear of Judgment, imposter syndrome, or tendency to compare yourself to others.

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?? Learn how to get and stay in clarity and focus. Plan actions, and once on a track, sweat the details but work happy not smart or hard.

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?? Here's the most important thing. ??

It's at the top of the list.

?? Without tackling this, nothing will happen.

?? You will stick in place.

?? The money will not come, and you will not enjoy your self-employment experience.

?? Change yourself from the inside out and bring your gold into the world. ??

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Examine your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings.

?? Get to the truth.??

Avoid hiring gurus who tell you who you are, what will work for you, and promise guaranteed results.

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?? Get to know yourself as a complex system.

Watch what's happening inside you, in your business, and in your relationship with the complex ecosystem called your market.

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?? Turn your new self into habits.

Create the thoughts, feelings, and actions that move you toward your destination.

With automatic positive patterns that don't require effort, life and work become a joy.

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?? You can do this.

It took me a few years, but I've arrived in my new world. ??

Feel free to join me and one of my groups on an exciting journey to your new life.

Reach out for details in messaging or show up at one of our weekly recurring events. ??

Click this link to reserve your spot!

#solopreneurinc #opportunity #transformation #selfemployment


