Let our desire to be in the "life" behind the narrow gate!

Let our desire to be in the "life" behind the narrow gate!

Let's presume that in a Christian public meeting, about 2 lakh people are gathering. Looking at the crowd, let's ask the question "How many of you wish to go to heaven?" Any wise man in that crowd will raise their hands. Yes, there is no doubt that 2 lakh people will raise their hands! Only the foolish man will wish to go to the hell.

But Jesus, while asked the gathering, "How many of you believe in Jesus... how many of you want to come to Heaven?", He didn't stop with that question, but He showed the "narrow gate"!!

That is, "How many of you want to take part in God's holiness and humility? Loving your enemy, forgiving those who persecuted you, seeking only the glory of God without seeking gain for yourself and refusing to judge others... How many of you wish to have this nature of God?" Ask the same question as Jesus asked, to those 2 Lakhs people. Will the crowd raise their hands or not? Leave that.... at least find out how many people are "interested" in this kind of life!! You will find that even this 'mere curiosity' is present with very few people.

Why Jesus said 'Some will find it' (Matthew 7:14)? Because according to Verse 7, there are very few who 'long to seek' such life!! Jesus has given us His assurance that if we search wholeheartedly for the Divine nature, we will surely find it. Only those who seek thus, shall be willing to pay any price for the Divine life they are seeking!

What about you now? Are you ready to gladly listen to Jesus' compassionate calling to "enter through the narrow gate" to inherit the Perfect Life?


Our heavenly Father! Not just Heaven, but give us the grace to keep our eyes always upon You, the treasure of Heaven! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


Brother Zac Poonen


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