let no one deceive you

Let nobody fool you chess pieces don't move by themselves even on an electronic board it requires human being intervention when playing against another often it is another human being but sometimes it's one person driving all the pieces by itself so in the natural physical and spiritual order of things such is the way the world is run in certain places geographically within distinctive areas of the world expanding and having greater reach and dominion over nations did you think for one moment pawns are only those that are way out front well you are certainly mistaken each piece is pawn only push forward by the perpetual wicked with a very resourceful way of getting all objective done in accordance to certain set deadlines

The only way to combat this is as it is written It is not by might nor by power but by My, Spirit says the Lord Only through a relationship with Jesus Christ can you narrow down certain schemes threats of all kinds outside of God son you stand no chance as he that cometh no human being can resist him or conqueror without the authority of Jesus Christ

Those of you who know this already are preparing yourself as it's not a battle between flesh & blood but spiritual wickedness in high places so keep those of the household of faith under protection as churches in time will be persecuted as well Christians and those that believe in God

Certain things are not fully upon us yet as it has not reached that climax yet but it starts with a build-up in certain places before it reaches its actual objectives

Be wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove put God first in all things & trust Him only


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