More flow - more creative -

More flow - more creative -

Being more creative than normal ? In flow;

How to get into that creative state?

- energizing you are feeling great?

- energizing you are really relaxed?

- energizing you are really content with just being in the now?

- energizing you are being in your full potential?

- energizing you are able to construct (e.g. visual, auditory, feel, touch, smell, 4D) scenario's of different opportunities and alternative?

- energizing feeling which opportunity and alternative feels better?

- energizing and optimizing that better alternative scenario from different end goals requirements?

- energizing and finalizing that optimized best scenario creation and implementation, logging that possibility for latter review?

@followflow ( we have an app called followflow we/you can measure your flow level and so your creativity level.

Want to know more?, You can find us here.


