Let me introduce you to the latest addition to the Oasis family…

Let me introduce you to the latest addition to the Oasis family…

With ever increasing pressure to reduce your site’s Carbon Footprint and running costs, the Oasis EcoLogic 800 instant start welfare unit is the easy solution to both these issues, without compromising the quality of your welfare

Our Oasis EcoLogic range offers the latest thinking in eco-friendly welfare and the EcoLogic 800 provides many environmental and operational benefits:

  • Pleasant working environment with mainly silent operation and programmable heating
  • Happy neighbours by limiting generator running hours with site specific curfews and silent overnight heating without need for generator operation
  • Improved Health and Safety benefits - reduced noise and and low level lifting eyes
  • Cost savings and increased fuel efficiency through EcoLogic technology, improved insulation and double glazing.
  • Renewable energy from solar power and water saving instant shut off taps

For more information, just give me a call on 01268 280500 or email me on [email protected]  


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