Let me Clarify...
John Henry Soto
Empowering through the power of digital marketing. #storyteller #filmmaker #socialmedia #consultant #musician
I would like to clarify a little about who I am and what do I do. I’m a creative person. Always have been. I started in music as a kid playing guitar and then in bands and recording music. I still play and love it. My active years of playing a lot were 1987 to 2007. In 2008 I became interested in acting shooting numerous films listed on IMDB. I love acting, writing and directing.
Today, I have a media/video company called JAF Project that I started with Frank Rocco Maglio earlier this year and we moved into our office in April. There we create videos for businesses, individual personalities, original narrative films, and music videos. We also provide social media consulting and content development for clients. Our main goal at JAF is to help people by teaching them how to help themselves using the power of video and social media.
In 2016 I got my real estate license and I’m working at Costanza Realtors in Bayonne. I like it there and I’m planning to do bigger things in real estate in the years to come.
Basically, I enjoy posting positive videos, writing articles about life, hosting a podcast, selling real estate and sharing my journey with those that care in the hopes that someone will benefit from the content.
The reason I’m posting this here is for those that are too close-minded to see that life can be an expansion of creativity and be different at every turn. It's not being unsure of what direction you’re going simply because your passions are many. Being creative to me makes life worth living. Living a life that’s creative matters to this planet and it should be supported. Especially by loved ones that might not fully understand it because they are the ones that can easily destroy the purpose of an artist.
Please support your local artists and make them feel like they matter. Giving them anything less is a slow death to emptiness for the artist and the unaware souls. Thank you for reading. John Henry Soto ????????????????