“Let me chatGPT that for you” 
 nobody wrote … yet

“Let me chatGPT that for you” nobody wrote … yet

In the crazily evolving world of technology, understanding where a new innovation stands in its lifecycle seems important. Right now, the spotlight is on generative AI, including advanced language models like ChatGPT. One question being debated is whether this technology has reached the "Peak of Inflated Expectations" in the Gartner Hype Cycle. This stage is characterized by heightened publicity and often overly optimistic projections about the technology’s potential.

The Absence of Casual References: A Signpost of Maturity?

One possibly interesting aspect of generative AI’s current status is the lack of casual, colloquial references in everyday conversation – something similar to the "Let me Google that for you" phrase that became synonymous with the search engine giant. This absence could be interpreted in several ways. Firstly, it may suggest that generative AI, while popular, hasn’t yet permeated the public consciousness to the extent where its usage is taken for granted. Alternatively, it might indicate a more measured and nuanced integration into our digital lives, bypassing the superficial layers of hype and reaching towards more substantive applications.

Generative AI: Beyond the Hype

Unlike simpler technologies that offer straightforward application (such as search engines), generative AI presents a complex landscape of capabilities and applications. From content creation to programming assistance, its uses are diverse and not easily encapsulated in a catch-all phrase. This complexity perhaps contributes to a more gradual and thoughtful adoption process, where the focus is on the quality and depth of interaction rather than mere novelty.

Implications for Businesses and Users

For businesses and professionals, this stage in the AI lifecycle offers a unique opportunity. It is a time to explore the potential applications of generative AI in various domains without the distraction of overblown expectations. It's also a period for critical assessment, where the limitations and ethical considerations of the technology can be addressed comprehensively.

A Path Forward

As generative AI continues to mature, its place in the technology adoption curve will become clearer. Whether or not it has reached the peak of inflated expectations, what is evident is its potential to transform various aspects of work and creativity. Navigating this landscape requires a balanced approach, where excitement for the technology’s potential is tempered with a pragmatic assessment of its current capabilities and future implications.

The absence of a casual, ubiquitous reference to generative AI in everyday dialogue might not be a sign of underachievement but rather an indication of a more thoughtful and substantive integration. As we move forward, keeping a close eye on how this technology evolves and is adopted will be key to leveraging its full potential while navigating the hype cycle with informed caution.

Personally I will

  • keep pushing for an AI strategy on all levels in our organization
  • suggest an AI ethics body to look also beyond the obvious bias and personal integrity issues
  • keep a lookout for those “let me ChatGPT that for you” indicators of possible maturity.


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