Let Hope Burn Brightly in Your Heart
Are you facing challenges? Life’s pathway rarely flows smoothly or in a straight line. Perhaps that’s why people tell us that life is such an interesting experience! We’re never sure what we’re going to encounter around the next corner. The changes we face and the challenges we must overcome define our view of how our lives are progressing. The chllenges define our perception of how capable we are in the face of life's ineviatble obstacles. They add shades of interpretation to our definition of how easy or difficult our lives appear to be. They teach us how strong we are when we’re required to dig deep and find new courage and determination.
But if there’s one quality in the broad palette of human emotions that can keep the light of hope burning in the darkness of difficult conditions, it’s a powerful belief in the possibility of a change for the better. This is one way of describing a positive attitude that anticipates breakthroughs, unexpected help, unforeseen opportunities, hidden doors opening and the possibility of a timely resolution of our problems. We could refer to this notion as hope but I’d like you to take the concept a little further.
When you maintain a firm and conscious belief in positive outcomes, you harness the hidden resources of your subconscious, a reservoir of information and analysis that is infinitely more capable of knowing what’s possible than the conscious mind can ever understand. A strong and positive belief system activates the filters that focus the subconscious’s attention and directs it towards identifying resolutions and outcomes that will resolve any difficulties that you're facing. The light of hope refuses to let you quit when the going gets tough. The flame of belief urges you to take one more step – and then another. This is why it is so important to maintain a robust belief system that generates the positive emotional energy for a better, brighter and successful future.