Let It Happen vs Make It Happen

Let It Happen vs Make It Happen

As dawn breaks and the world stirs into the hum of daily existence, our conversations often drift towards the mundane or the routine. Yet, occasionally, a spark ignites a deeper contemplation about the essence of life itself. Today, that spark came from a seemingly simple conversation that escalated into a profound revelation: "I don’t let life happen, I make life happen." This statement, bold and resonant, acts as a clarion call to those of us navigating through the often turbulent waters of existence.

The phrase embodies a powerful philosophy: the concept of taking active ownership of one's journey, rather than passively observing as life unfolds. But what does it truly mean to "make life happen"? It's about embracing a proactive stance, where every decision, every action, and every moment is a brushstroke in the masterpiece that is your life.

Paddle or Drift

Imagine life as a river. Some people float aimlessly, carried by the current wherever it may lead. They are passive participants, reacting to events with resignation and attributing their circumstances to fate. This is what it means to "let life happen." In stark contrast, there are those who paddle vigorously, directing their boat with purpose and intent, navigating through or around the obstacles they encounter. These individuals are not merely survivors of their circumstances but architects of their destiny.

Dreams to Reality

Consider the countless stories of unfulfilled dreams—a novel left unwritten, a startup idea shelved, an adventure postponed indefinitely. When queried about their uncompleted journeys, many express a common refrain: "Life happened." This phrase has become a cultural shorthand for the resignation of personal aspirations to external circumstances. Yet, dissecting these stories often reveals a common theme: a relinquishing of personal agency, a missed step on the path of active participation.

The Impact of Major Events

Undoubtedly, events like the 2009 recession or the COVID-19 crisis have had profound impacts on lives globally. These are waves that can capsize even the sturdiest of vessels. However, even amidst such crises, the differentiation between letting life happen and making it happen becomes evident. History and narratives abound with individuals and communities that, despite adversity, chose to steer their course, to adapt, innovate, and emerge not only unscathed but enriched.

Seize The Pen

How, then, does one transition from being a passive observer to an active creator in life? It begins with a shift in mindset. Acknowledge that while certain aspects of life are beyond control, the scope for personal agency is vast. It involves setting clear goals, being resilient in the face of setbacks, and viewing obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow.

Embrace the idea that every minor decision contributes to the path you are charting. It's about writing your own story, where you are not just a character swept along by the plot but the author who crafts each twist and turn with intention.

The New Beginning

"I don’t let life happen, I make life happen" is not just a statement of intent—it is a philosophy of life. It encourages a proactive approach to living, where each individual holds the pen that writes their life story. So, as we continue our conversations and our days, let us choose to be the authors of our fates, the creators of our destinies, and the sculptors of our dreams.

In embracing this mindset, we not only alter the course of our own lives but potentially inspire others to pick up their paddles and navigate their own rivers. After all, the most compelling stories are those where the protagonist seizes control and emerges triumphant, having forged their path against the odds.

Thanks for reading,

William Rochelle, but you can call me Bill

#williamrochelle #MakeLifeHappen #LifeOwnership #CraftYourLife #PersonalAgency #LifePhilosophy

A. S. M. Shaker Bhuiya

Specialist at Data Entry, SEO, Digital Marketing, Lead Generation

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Faris Aranki - Strategy and Emotional Intelligence

SUCCESS = IQ x EQ x FQ I help organisations & individuals be more effective today than they were yesterday by providing innovative, emotionally-intelligent facilitation, training and speaking to improve IQ, EQ and FQ

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Intentionality is the key ??

Rowena R. De Chavez CPA I IRS Enrolled Agent Trainee

Virtual CFO l Accountant???♀?Helping??Business Owners in scaling their businesses keeping more of their earnings through my tax saving strategy. Helping Non-profit Organization w/ their accreditation.

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It's a beautiful reminder that we hold the pen to our life's story, and every decision shapes our journey.

Seize the moment and make it count because tomorrow is never guaranteed.

SHAYNA Melissa Stockman RN, BC-ANP, PNP

The Autoimmune Expert ? empowers healthcare professionals & wellness influencers to enhance their wellness results & revenue without buying equipment or working more hours??Join Your Wellness Journey? & Reclaim Your LIFE

6 个月

Make it happen!!


