Let greens and tweens grow together!
Credits @CDC

Let greens and tweens grow together!

Sow and act and you reap a good habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap the destiny - Stephen R Covey

Yes, gardening and good habits have a lot in common. Gardening can be a very rewarding and beneficial activity. It can provide a sense of accomplishment and pride in creating something beautiful, as well as providing a sense of connection with nature. Gardening can also be a great form of exercise. It also has mental health benefits, as it can provide a sense of relaxation and stress relief. You know, it is a way to clear your mind and focus on the task at hand, which can be helpful for reducing stress and anxiety.

Gardening can be a great activity for tweens for a variety of reasons. Some of the benefits of gardening for this age group include:

  1. Physical activity: Gardening involves physical activity such as digging, planting, and watering, which can help tweens stay active and healthy.

  • Digging: Digging can be a great way to get some cardiovascular exercise, as it involves moving around and using your arms and legs to move soil and plants.
  • Planting: Planting involves bending and reaching to put plants in the ground, as well as using your hands and fingers to gently handle and care for them.
  • Weeding: Weeding involves kneeling or crouching down to pull weeds out of the ground, which can work your leg and core muscles.
  • Watering: Watering plants can involve carrying a watering can or using a hose, which can work your upper body and core muscles.
  • Pruning: Pruning involves using scissors or shears to cut off branches or leaves, which can work your arms and shoulders.

2. Learning about the environment: Gardening can teach tweens about the environment and how plants grow, and how plants fit into the larger ecosystem. They can learn about the different roles that plants play in the environment, such as providing oxygen, food, and habitat for wildlife which can help them develop a greater understanding and appreciation for nature.

  • Understanding plants: Children can learn about how plants grow and the different parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaves, etc.). They can also learn about different types of plants, including flowers, vegetables, and herbs, and how they are used.?
  • Appreciating nature: Developing an appreciation for nature and the importance of caring for the environment is such a good thing to have. As they watch their plants grow and thrive, they can learn about the importance of caring for the earth and its resources.?
  • Environmental stewardship: This makes the tween learn about environmental stewardship and the importance of taking care of the earth. They can learn about ways to conserve water and energy, reduce waste, and protect the environment while gardening.

3. Responsibility: Gardening can teach tweens the value of hard work and responsibility, as they must take care of their plants and ensure they receive the necessary water and sunlight to thrive. Some of them are:?

  • Planning and designing the garden: Deciding which plants to grow, where to plant them, and how to arrange them is really important. This can resemble further while managing a team as well. It may also involve choosing appropriate soil, fertilizers, and other materials.?
  • Planting and maintaining the garden: This includes tasks such as preparing the soil, planting seeds or seedlings, watering, weeding, and pruning. It also involves monitoring the health of the plants and taking action if necessary, such as applying pest control measures or providing additional nutrients.?
  • Protecting the garden and the environment: This can ignite activities such as using eco-friendly gardening practices, such as using organic fertilizers and pest control methods, conserving water, and reducing waste. It may also involve protecting the garden from potential hazards, such as pests, diseases, and extreme weather.?
  • Being mindful of safety: Gardening can involve the use of sharp tools, heavy lifting, and exposure to the sun and other elements. It is important to take necessary precautions to avoid accidents and injuries.

4. Creative expression: Gardening can be a creative outlet for tweens, as they can design and plan their garden and choose which plants to grow. Some of them are listed below

  • Choosing plants that reflect their personal style or interests: A gardener might choose plants based on their color, texture, or cultural significance. They might also choose plants that have a personal meaning, such as a plant that was grown by a loved one or a plant that is native to their region.?
  • Arranging plants in a visually appealing way: Your little one can use their creativity to arrange plants in a way that is aesthetically pleasing. This might involve grouping plants with similar characteristics, using repetition and balance, or creating a sense of flow and movement through the garden.?
  • Using garden features and accessories to add interest: Tweens can add creative elements to their gardens through the use of features such as sculptures, water features, or other decorative items. They can also use lighting, mulch, or other materials to add texture and visual interest to the garden.?
  • Incorporating different garden styles: Gardeners can express their creativity by choosing a specific garden style that reflects their personal taste. Some common garden styles include formal gardens, cottage gardens, and Japanese gardens, each of which has its own unique characteristics and elements. Overall, gardening allows for a wide range of creative expression, from the plants and materials that are used to the overall design and layout of the garden.?

5. Relaxation: Gardening can be a relaxing and therapeutic activity, which can help tweens de-stress and reduce anxiety. Unlock the how below:

  • Providing a sense of accomplishment: Seeing the plants in your garden grow and thrive can give a sense of accomplishment and pride. This can be particularly rewarding if you have put in the effort to care for the plants and tend to their needs.?
  • Connecting with nature: Being outdoors and working with plants can help you feel more connected to nature and the natural world. This connection can be calming and grounding, helping you to relax and unwind.?
  • Engaging in physical activity: Gardening can be physically demanding, requiring tasks such as digging, planting, and weeding. This physical activity can help to reduce stress and tension, as well as provide a sense of accomplishment.?
  • Providing a sense of purpose: Working on a garden can give you a sense of purpose and focus, helping you to relax and clear your mind. It can also be a great way to take a break from daily stressors and distractions.

6. Eating healthy: Gardening can encourage tweens to eat healthy, as they may be more likely to try and enjoy the fruits and vegetables they have grown themselves. The tweens now know what kind of soil, the amount of water, and the use of pesticides or other chemicals were used.? This can help to ensure that the produce you grow is healthy and free from harmful substances.?

In addition, gardening can help to increase your access to fresh produce, particularly if you live in an area where fresh, high-quality produce is not always easily available or is expensive. When you grow your own produce, you can have a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables on hand at all times, which can help to encourage healthy eating habits

Gardening can also be a fun and enjoyable way to get children involved in the process of growing and harvesting their own food. This can help to foster a sense of ownership and pride in the produce they grow, which can in turn encourage them to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Wish you and your little one a happy nature time, together!



