Let Go and Make Things Happen
Most of us have been brought up to believe that the only way to make things happen is through mental or physical effort. However, once we let go completely (as described in chapter 4 of The Power of Letting Go), exciting things start happening.
One example is the experience of ‘consciousness over matter’. This is one of many shaktis - or yogic powers - which are possible following initiation by Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, whom I’ve followed for the past six years. (Shaktis don’t require practice. You receive the initiation. Then you start doing it.)
Last Saturday I connected with a friend in Luxembourg via WhatsApp video. First of all, I held a coconut on my hand, flat on the table. He then moved it, using the power of the third eye. Then it was my turn. He held a coconut in Luxembourg and I moved it using the power of the third eye. What makes it work is oneness (advaita in Sanskrit).
When we’re in oneness with Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, we’re in oneness with the cosmos. Then things start happening which can’t be explained by classical physics (which began with Sir Isaac Newton and ended with Albert Einstein). I’ve recently learned a technique called tyaga, which puts me straight into oneness. The coconut moves faster and more easily.
The Power of Letting Go is published by Octopus Books.