Let it go
Kim Decena
Training Women to Communicate, Connect & Sell -| DecenaMedia: Websites, Branding & SocialMedia Management for women who provide services.
There are moments when you need to let go of that activity, client, habit, or mindset because it’s no longer serving you, it’s holding you back from where you should be. Saying “yes” to something often means saying “no” to another opportunity, space, level, or achievement you could be reaching.
Letting go is challenging because it pushes you out of your comfort zone, away from what’s familiar and safe, into that uncertain space filled with anxiety and doubt. You know better than anyone how that feels.
The truth is, you’re highly capable of overcoming it again. I get it, sometimes the feeling of fear and uncertainty can seem bigger than the reward you’re chasing, but that’s exactly why you need to anchor yourself and make a firm decision.
As I write this I ask myself: “How many things do we say ‘yes’ to because they bring immediate rewards, without thinking about what they really mean or what they’ll cost us in the long run?”.
So, decide to let go. I let go of certain clients, projects, and rigid ideas about how your day “should” look in order to be productive and get the results you want.
You’re in the perfect moment to leave behind what’s not working for you. Keep exploring and dare to live the life you’re meant to live.
Communicating my thoughts and experiences as I travel with my family, and run multiple businesses, so you and I can connect.