Chapter 1

Don’t look so sad, I know it’s over!

Some times its better to accept whatever is happening to us as the best it could have and not think over the consequences. Life has a strange way of communicating its real meanings & purpose to us. Please have patience. It is just like all good things come to an end, similarly the bad things end too. It’s just that it seems too long compared to the good times.

I came in contact with Sam in 2014 when I was working as Marketing with Supreme Global Trading P. Ltd. He contacted me online through email from Bangalore or now Bengaluru. He had requirement of Thin Clients for education related applications. I quoted to him and he probably purchased a few units or not I am not sure. But during this time we had several meetings on skype. I use to deal with hundreds of clients all over India and Sam was one of them. He must have been around 28 years old then. He told me about a new company he plans to start by the name of Bytes Evolution Systems P. Ltd. I wished him luck and that was that!

I had to resign in February 2015 from my company to help my ailing Father whom I lost on 27th April 2015 in a battle against cancer and age. I did odd jobs of social activities in association with Vidyavanti Charitable Trust in Faridabad as the Treasurer. We invested in a company to initiate Skill India program in Faridabad. We trained about 100 students in Information Technology Enabled Services from below poverty line under the National Skill Development Program. But after a year we realized the nuances of dealing with Government project and closed the center.

Sam contacted me again for Thin Clients in 2016 but somehow the deal could not materialize due to my not being in the trade. However I tried to provide information & prices to Sam but it did not work out. Actually I was quoting Rs. 10000 per unit and he was expecting a price of Rs. 5000! So I wished him luck in his new Start up – BESPL.

The year 2016 passed in preparations and finally wedding of my son Arjun with his school time friend Puja on 17th Jan 2017. I spent time in construction our new flat in which we were able to shift in a few months before the wedding.

I received a call from Sam in February 2017 informing me that he had finally chosen a Thin Client and tested it. He was satisfied with the price and performance with software he had developed. I congratulated him and again wished him luck in his new business venture. But he wanted my help in procurement and marketing of his new idea. He was still under the assumption that I was working with Supreme Global. I told him that I was no more working and was in position to undertake any assignment.

What transpired over next few weeks is history now but it changed my outlook towards Sam and life in general completely – 360 degrees!

Sam told me about how he was struggling in a small town Musiri, District Trichirapalli where he had opened his new startup company Bytes Evolution Systems P. Ltd. He had been working in multi-national companies in Bengaluru, India and some foreign countries developing software’s. Life in cities like Bengaluru a metropolitan is certainly easier compared to small towns like Musiri, that was understandable. So I asked natural question to Sam – why start a company in Musiri and not in Bengaluru or Chennai or Hyderabad or Gurgaon?

His answer stumped me!

He told me the reasons….. And one of them was:

People from all over the country are rushing towards capitals and major cities to find employment as the same is not available in their small towns and villages. Thus small towns and villages are being neglected and left behind in development and infra structure. He wants to set an example by opening a software development company in a small town and offer employment to help change the trend.

Amazing!!!! Trend setting!!!!

He offered to travel to Delhi to meet me and discuss the final product and its specifications. He sent me Offer letter, Agreements – Appointment letter, Non Disclosure Agreements, and more which I signed and returned to him. I looked forward to his visiting Delhi and meeting me. Then it occurred to me that here was a young man starting his new company with very high ideals, how could I help him?

I simply went to railway station and booked my to and from tickets for Musiri, Tichirapalli, Tamilnadu. The booking clerk told me that there is no station by the name Musiri, so I booked up to Trichirapalli. I informed Sam that he need not come to Delhi to meet me and as a token of my contribution to his trend changing ideal, a person from Delhi Capital of India will come to Musiri. He was delighted and arranged my stay for 2 weeks in a private room with AC and all amenities that any big city could offer!

Don’t look so sad, I know it’s over!

Some times its better to accept whatever is happening to us as the best it could have and not think over the consequences. Life has a strange way of communicating its real meanings & purpose to us. Please have patience. It is just like all good things come to an end, similarly the bad things end too. It’s just that it seems too long compared to the good times. I came in contact with Sam in 2014 when I was working as Marketing with Supreme Global Trading P. Ltd. He contacted me online through email from Bangalore or now Bengaluru. He had requirement of Thin Clients for education related applications. I quoted to him and he probably purchased a few units or not I am not sure. But during this time we had several meetings on skype. I use to deal with 100s of clients all over India and Sam was one of them. He must have been around 28 years old then. He told me about a new company he plans to start by the name of Bytes Evolution Systems P. Ltd. I wished him luck and that was that! I had to resign in February 2015 from my company to help my ailing Father whom I lost on 27th April 2015 in a battle against cancer and age. I did odd jobs of social activities in association with Vidyavanti Charitable Trust in Faridabad as the Treasurer. We invested in a company to initiate Skill India program in Faridabad. We trained about 100 students in Information Technology Enabled Services from below poverty line under the National Skill Development Program. But after a year we realized the nuances of dealing with Government project and closed the center. Sam contacted me again for Thin Clients in 2016 but somehow the deal could not materialize due to my not being in the trade. However I tried to provide information & prices to Sam but it did not work out. Actually I was quoting Rs. 10000 per unit and he was expecting a price of Rs. 5000! So I wished him luck in his new Start up – BESPL. The year 2016 passed in preparations and finally wedding of my son Arjun with his school time friend Puja on 17th Jan 2017. I spent time in construction our new flat in which we were able to shift in a few months before the wedding. I received a call from Sam in February 2017 informing me that he had finally chosen a Thin Client and tested it. He was satisfied with the price and performance with software he had developed. I congratulated him and again wished him luck in his new business venture. But he wanted my help in procurement and marketing of his new idea. He was still under the assumption that I was working with Supreme Global. I told him that I was no more working and was in position to undertake any assignment. What transpired over next few weeks is history now but it changed my outlook towards Sam and life in general completely – 360 degrees! Sam told me about how he was struggling in a small town Musiri, District Trichirapalli where he had opened his new startup company Bytes Evolution Systems P. Ltd. He had been working in multi-national companies in Bengaluru, India and some foreign countries developing software’s. Life in cities like Bengaluru a metropolitan is certainly easier compared to small towns like Musiri, that was understandable. So I asked natural question to Sam – why start a company in Musiri and not in Bengaluru or Chennai or Hyderabad or Gurgaon? His answer stumped me! He told me the reasons….. And one of them was: People from all over the country are rushing towards capitals and major cities to find employment as the same is not available in their small towns and villages. Thus small towns and villages are being neglected and left behind in development and infra structure. He wants to set an example by opening a software development company in a small town and offer employment to help change the trend. Amazing!!!! Trend setting!!!! He offered to travel to Delhi to meet me and discuss the final product and its specifications. He sent me Offer letter, Agreements – Appointment letter, Non Disclosure Agreements, and more which I signed and returned to him. I looked forward to his visiting Delhi and meeting me. Then it occurred to me that here was a young man starting his new company with very high ideals, how could I help him? I simply went to railway station and booked my to and from tickets for Musiri, Tichirapalli, Tamilnadu. The booking clerk told me that there is no station by the name Musiri, so I booked up to Trichirapalli. I informed Sam that he need not come to Delhi to meet me and as a token of my contribution to his trend changing ideal, a person from Delhi Capital of India will come to Musiri. He was delighted and arranged my stay for 2 weeks in a private room with AC and all amenities that any big city could offer!

                                  Chapter – 2


My ticket was booked in Tamil Nadu Sampark Kranti from Nizamudin station to Trichirapalli departing at 7 AM on 28 February 2017 arriving after 40 hours at around midnight on 2nd March. My son dropped me at the station to board the train and the journey began on schedule with me in Coach S2 Seat 4. The total distance to be covered was 2514 KMs.

My co-passengers in compartment were a mixed lot from India. Indian Army Havaldar Pandian posted at Pathankot, Mrs. Anandhi and her 3 years old daughter Manisha were going to Tanjavore to reunite with her husband, Tufique Hamid, Dental Surgeon, Indraprastha Hospital, Karkardooma, Delhi was travelling to Chennai to meet his friend, a young boy travelling back to his home near Kanyakumari and M.K. Das, Supplier of Electrical Lights & hospital accessories from Laxminagar, Delhi to Trichirapalli.

The train had a pantry and breakfast of Upma Vada was served with ample rounds of coffee and tea, the journey began on a wonderful and humorous note. The Ticket Collector on checking our tickets found that Mrs. Anandhi was travelling on a ticket with an error. Since the train was already moving I found it painful that the lady with a young daughter had boarded the wrong train! But I was wrong. Actually her ticket showed her as a male, so TT saw her ID & corrected the error.

The first scheduled stop was Bhopal where Police Inspector Chandrika Prasad Dwivedi, MP Police had to get down. He was an interesting and talkative person and I am a poor listener ( I must improve my listening skills). He told me that he is a very popular Bhagwad Gita Orator & Teacher in Bhopal, also known a Buppa. He started with various anecdotes from Vedas, I remember one regarding Amarnath Katha – According to Hindu Mythology Lord Shiva is Immortal (Amar) but his wife Parvati is Mortal. So she requested her husband to make her immortal too. Shiva agreed and took her to Amarnath Caves to recited Amar Katha. But to make sure no other living thing listens to the katha, he removed all living birds, animals etc from the cave. There was in the cave a pair of parrots who had an egg which could not move. The egg hatched & the young Parrot heard the entire Amar Katha to become immortal. When Shiva finished reciting the Katha, he found his wife was asleep and the parrot had heard all the katha. It was the parrot who was saying HA HA during the Katha. Well Shiva got angry and ran out to destroy the flying Parrot who had become immortal & could not be killed. Parrot flew to the Ashram of Ved Vyas to hide in the Womb of his wife. Now he would not come out of womb as he was scared of Shiva. So Lord Vishnu came assured him safety. Thus Shukdev was born.

After listening to this long tale I felt compelled to contribute to the one sided conversation. Remember I am a bad listener! So I asked Dwivedi ji if he had heard of Ashtavakra? He was not sure, so I told him an anecdote from Ashtavakra Gita.

Once upon a time Raja Janak asked all the Religious Gurus & pundits of his darbar to answer a question:

“Knowledge can be transferred in less time than it takes to pluck a flower……..”

No one could answer to the satisfaction of Raja Janak and all pundits were put in jail. So Young 16 year old Ashtavakra, who was having a deformed body in the form of 8 (ASHTA), came in the darbar of Raja Janak.

Just as he entered everybody in darbar started laughing after seeing Ashtavakra’s deformed body shape. He remained quiet observing all laughing at him. Then Raja Janak also started laughing. After seeing Janak Laugh, Ashtavakra also started laughing. Janak stopped verybody and asked Ashtavakra,” Why are you laughing?” He replied, "Raja Janak I can understand the laughing of all the persons present in the darbar because they are all uneducated, illiterates and can only see with their eyes my deformed body. I laugh because I cannot understand why you who are educated and know the difference between body and soul. But actually you are just like them hence laughing!” The entire darbar was stunned in silence.

So Janak asked him the reason of his coming, to which Ashtavakra replied that, ” You have arrested all the pundits including my father for not answering your question, I am here to reply. First of all your question is not a question, it is a statement…… even that statement is not complete as it is taken from

 (And he quoted the exact name of Puran). The complete statement is:

“Knowledge can be transferred in less time than it takes to pluck a flower if the intent of the Teacher and the student are honest & pure!”

Raja was impressed and made Ashtavakra his Guru………

After listening to this tale Mr. Dwivedi was a little impressed and left his personal mobile number before getting down at Bhopal.

                                         CHAPTER 3


My train reached Trichirapalli almost at 12.30 AM on 2nd March, Sam and his Cousin Alpha received me at the station. They had driven 45 KMs in the night to receive a stranger friend! We had coffee just outside the station and Sam drove us back to Musiri in his Ford Figo. I spent the night at Sam’s home where his father received us. I slept like a log of wood to wake up next morning to meet Sheeba, Sam’s younger sister. The entire family including Eldest Sister Deepa ji, Sheeba and their father were so kind with tea, breakfast and affection that overwhelmed me!

Alpha came to pick me up with my baggage & we went to office of Bytes Evolution Systems P. Ltd. immediately my room was fixed & I was shifted to heaven! The room taken for my stay was just a scene out of Hollywood films. Situated on 2nd floor of a house a single room with entire floor converted in to a garden lush with green grass with a pond and statues of birds, frog, peacock, animals flowers…..just heaven !!! There was a mango tree filled with lush green unripe mangoes which one could pluck from the stairway. Almost next was a coconut tree with its pair of fruits dangling majestically! As I glanced all around green was the only cover visible consisting mainly of coconut trees. Swinging Chair needs a special mention since that’s on which I spent most of my two weeks at Musiri.

                                                         CHAPTER - 4



I have a friend Yogender Chowdhary, a successful businessman in Zambia. We both studied MBA at IMT Ghaziabad together during 1982-85. To cut the long story short, he called me from Zambia regarding a business deal he had done with a Mumbai based Taj Eduglobe Ltd. He requested me to join him in this venture as his manager and wanted me to travel to Mumbai for two days. I agreed and booked my flight tickets.

I boarded Spice Jet flight SG161 from Delhi on 30th Sep., 2016 to reach Mumbai and went straight to Hotel On Time, Marol Pipeline, Andheri Kurla Road where a room was booked for both of us but he never turned up. So I went through the training on “UNLEASH THE POWER WITHIN” BY Motivational Trainer SUNIL PAREKH. During the training we were asked to think of a VISION / GOAL to be achieved by 1st October, 2018. We were also told that while setting a goal think as if we are holding a magic wand in our hands and whatever we wish will come true.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of reality you want & you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.” – ALBERT EINSTIEN.

So I made my Vision on the night of 1st October, 2016 as follows:








MY Goals:

1.      What do I want to do? –A) Publish / Print Dad’s Autobiography. B) Provide for family members. C) Serve my Country & Society. D) Have no debt against my family.

2.      What do I want to be? – A) the best marketing person. B) The best father / husband / friend.

3.      What do I want to see? – A) Happiness & prosperity in family. B) Goa. C) Ayodhya. D) Rishikesh

4.      What do I want to have? – A) Peace.

5.      Where do I want to go? – A) Goa / Rishikesh / Ayaodhya.

To conclude this flashback, I returned to Delhi after 2 days Training and my friend Yogender Chowdhary is still missing from Lusaka, Zambia since 28th Sep., 2016. I am in contact with the family of Yogender and will update as and when I receive any further information about him. However I contacted his three daughters and arranged meetings with the Chairman of Taj Eduglobe Ltd to sign agreements to secure all the investments made by Yogender.

Facts You Always Believed Are Actually Fake

 Prepare to open your eyes for the first time in your life (any Matrix fans out there?), because the guys at Information is Beautiful are taking a Myth busters role and putting popular facts to the test.

 But if you're still feeling a little suspicious, head over to the Information is Beautiful website, where every fact is linked to the articles by the scientific community that proves them wrong.

                                                                Chapter 5

At Musiri

My stay at Musiri lasted till 16th March 2017, during these 15 days I was trained in the new product being developed by Sam. He took me to Trichirapalli to introduce Mr. Chander Shekhar, Technical Head , who made complete product designs. We went around he market to buy some components locally to test our prototype model product.

Mr. Chander Shekhar came everyday from Trichirapalli to Musiri to work on product development. In the office there are three employees who were introduced to me formally by Sam.

1.      Ms. T. Uvashri, Master Of Engineering – Applied Electronics from Namakkal, Tamil Nadu. 2.      Ms. Radhika S., B.E. in Computer Science Engineering from Kulithalai, Tamil Nadu. 3.      Ms. Muhil Daphne C., B.E. in Electronics & Instrumentation from Trichirapalli, Tamil Nadu.

Sam asked me to spend half an hour with all three to help them overcome public speaking skills shyness. During our interaction each one of us introduced our self to each other. Sam joined us to find out that each one gave public introduction of themselves to him. I hope he was impressed.

Alpha was my constant companion and took very personal care to take me out for lunch & dinner every day in addition to down loading my favorite Hindi films on my laptop so that I never felt bored. I saw Rangoon, Jolly LLB, Commando and many more movies with help of Alpha. Alpha has just completed his B.Sc. and will be starting his M.Sc. from next session and during the 2 month stay was spending time with his cousin brother, Sam.

I was given an assignment to train Alpha in Motivation and we both spent all our time in going through the “Unleash the Power Within” course. I hope he gained some motivation due to this interaction! At the fag end of my stay in Musiri Alpha joined me in a car ride to Rameshwaram.

On 12th March 2017 at 7 am both of us took Sam’s Ford Figo and drove about 400 kms. On our way we stopped for breakfast after couple of hour’s drive which was the only stop we made till we reached Banar Bridge about 20 kms from Rameshwaram. While on our way we passed a village probably Tulithalayi which Alpha told me was his mother’s home town. I offered to stop to visit his grandparent’s home but he asked me to continue driving. We passed a motor cycle with 2 passengers who Alpha told me were his Uncles. I again offered to stop to say hello but he asked me to continue driving.

As I was driving Alpha clicked a few pictures and shared with me on whatsapp later. Suddenly Alpha asked me to look on left and right and what I saw made me stop the car! On both the side of the highway was vast Indian Ocean with boats and water water every where till we could see!

We took a few pictures and drove on and again what stopped us was the Banar Bridge which is almost 2-3 kms. Long made on Indian Ocean. The scene cannot be described by yours truly…..to say it was astounding may not suffice. We again stopped to admire the beauty nature can only offer and again took pictures.

Finally around 1 PM we reached Rameshwaram the temple town where Lord Rama temple is located signifying his onward journey to Sri Lanka to rescue his wife Sita from the clutches of Ravan. As I tried to enter the temple a guard stopped me to say that temple will open at 3.30 PM. So we decided to travel to Dhanush Koti where the bridge built by Lord Rama & his Sena to Vanar cross the oceans!

We had lunch and spent some time on sea shore and even got wet while taking pictures. There were many tourists from all over India and probably the world. The place and scene is worth a visit! We rode back almost nonstop driving at break neck speed of reaching up to 150 kms per hour to reach back at Musiri by 8 PM.

The next few days went off quickly as we had so much to cover before my departure on 15th night. Sam with his Dad dropped me at Trichirapalli where I boarded the train back to Delhi to reach by 17th evening around 6 PM.

                                                                  CHAPTER 6


Tobu my pet dog hugged and leaped at my arrival with happiness which only I could understand because I am the only one who holds him while my wife feeds him. He had been without food for more than 2 weeks …….. he had not had a normal meal! After feeding Tobu I briefed my family about my trip, showed them the pictures of the room I stayed in Musiri, Sam’s Dad, Rameshwaram, Alpha, Dhanush Koti, Banar Bridge and Indian Ocean!

I had a meeting next day with Sh. V. N. Tandon, Chairman of Lit Light Vidyavanti Society along with his team of Sh. Gurmukh Singh ji and Sh Sachdeva ji. I explained to them about my trip to Musiri and the product we needed to manufacture.

By evening Sam had setup a Google Hangout meeting with Mr. Chander Shekhar and we all got busy in making list of items required for our final product and how we will procure them from various OEMs. I was introduced to Alibaba.com and an account was created to up load RFQ (Requirements For Quotations). By next morning my inbox was flooded with offers from China, Taiwan and suppliers who had been notified by Alibaba.com about our request for quotations. My whats-app on mobile, my skype, my mailbox…… for next 48 hours my family thought I had gone mad spending all my time on mobile and laptop to answer all the inquiries from various vendors.

Believe me if you have ever worked in a company which is in its nascent stage, these kind of things happen. I will not say that all that I was doing was productive but it sure was very satisfying to be connected with the real world of entrepreneurs. What made all this happen? What was the reason for the sudden spate of activities to go in 5th gear?

I think it was due to a decision I had made to LET GO!!!

What does LET GO mean? Incidentally it is the title of this book! LET GO means to break free, to let go of your hold on things, situations, events, controls … I could go on and I am sure you the reader has got the drift of my thought process….. Or at least I hope so!

Once upon a time I got very fed up with living and decided to end it all. So I went to Haridwar and immersed myself in Ganga River while holding an iron chain that I LET GO!!! Now I don’t know how to swim, the natural course of action was to get some foothold which fortunately turned out to be a rock under river-bed that helped me find my way back to the shore. In those few seconds under water I understood the meaning of LET GO!

Okay let’s understand importance of LET GO. It is common knowledge that during our life time whatever we do for making our two ends meet, finally there comes a time when we must part with all that we have. No one seeks your permission before taking over whatever you had created or collected or amassed. So why not LET GO of all by your own will and choice so that at least you can see the pleasure on the faces of the recipients!

After reading so far I am sure you know by now that I am no writer and my style may appear childish but the fact remains that you get the drift of what I am trying so hard to tell. All I am saying is get rid of all that increases your burden while you can still do it……….. Afterwards it may be too late! Just start with a simple list of to do things from today as if you have no time left. One by one keep ticking of the list after doing it. As you keep doing it the list will disappear and you will feel light and happy that you are not able to feel right now!

After you have gotten rid of all physical goods you are carrying (please do not misunderstand me, I do not mean that you throw things out of the door!), all I am saying is that you disown any ownership in all legal formats – property etc. This can easily be done by transfer of the same to the wife or son or daughter or all of them right now! Just do it!

Now comes the more difficult part …… getting rid of emotional luggage …. Relationships! This will be tricky. Again I am not saying that you get divorce from your wife or disown children or friends or relatives – all I am saying that you emotionally disconnect with all without actually doing it physically! I hope you get what I am trying to imply. No, I am not saying that you say no to your responsibilities towards family, instead be aloof while remaining right in the middle of it. I know it sounds like remaining dry while being in the sea, but that’s exactly what I mean. Let’s make it easy to understand. Keep doing all that you are doing, just do not expect any thanks or claim any credit for the same.

River changes its water every moment, date changes every day, our body changes a little every day, every moment the world is also changing a little that is why each one of us must not hold to a mistake of someone for the rest of our life!!

People are like that, even God cannot improve them, and such bad words must never be taken for anyone! To find out mistakes in other every time is like giving urea and water to the bad habits and to look at the good in others is to encourage them to be better!

Let It Be

Paul McCartney

When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

And in my hour of darkness

She is standing right in front of me

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

Oh, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

And when the broken hearted people

Living in the world agree

There will be an answer, let it be

For though they may be parted 

There is still a chance that they will see

There will be an answer, let it be

Oh, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be

And there will be an answer, let it be

Oh, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

Oh, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

And when the night is cloudy

There is still a light that shines on me

Shine on until tomorrow, let it be

I wake up to the sound of music

Mother Mary comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

Oh, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be

There will be an answer, let it be

Oh, let it be

Won't you let it be, let it be, let it be

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

Let it be

still a light that shines on me

Shine on until tomorrow, let it be

I wake up to the sound of music

Mother Mary comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

Oh, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be

There will be an answer, let it be

Oh, let it be

Won't you let it be, let it be, let it be

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

Let it be


Marketing Wizard

7 年

Thanks Aries & Sam :)






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