Let the Fresh Thoughts Flow
by: Ahmed Abdulazeem
Everything starts with surroundings... which impact thoughts.. negative or positive, leads to expressions .. literary, visual, and in return trigger actions or reactions.
It's so crucial for the survival to let the fresh thought emanate.
It may be good for one bad for another.
acceptable for one unacceptable for the other.
wow for one damn for the other.
The thought in itself is no right or wrong .. it's the surroundings which make this one way or the other.
When avenues for expression are locked and blocked.. the thinker the source of fresh thoughts finds himself incarcerated
You block one avenue.. the fresh thought will flow through from another.. you can't stop it
It's only a matter of providing more avenues for expression of thought instead of locking and blocking
If you lock or block one.. then give another avenue otherwise fresh thought is not going to die down instead it will surface from another route .. maybe a more damaging for few
That another route may still be unacceptable for many
So what's the deal between fresh thought and avenues for expression to let both live
And let live side by side
The solution is simple
Introduce more avenues for expression
Regulate each avenue by reasonableness
Reasonableness is a dynamic tool that becomes acceptable to all of the socio-religious economic forces within which we all breath
Reasonableness is dynamic... it's not static stationary or stale
It continuously evolves as time changes
From generations to generations reasonableness fine-tunes itself shapes itself and paves the way to goodness
Locks and blocks, conversely, trigger retaliation, retribution, and requital
When the force applied to lock and block.. reactions multiply manifold
Reasonableness gives a sense of right time, right place
Reasonableness teaches which message for whom
Reasonableness facilitates understanding what's bad for people in smaller and bigger perspectives
Reasonableness teaches tone for messaging
Reasonableness sheds trims and clips what is bad for anybody and constructs and inculcates what is good for all
Just remember locks and blocks breed hate and reactions..
Opportunities teach reasonableness.. which avenue to use when and where
Go for reasonableness in every walk of life
But for reasonableness the ladder to climb is high
It starts with honesty truthfulness
No honesty no truthfulness.. no reasonableness
No reasonableness no tolerance, lot of reactions turbulence and mayhem
No growth
No development
No nothing
Choose yourself