Let the Dreamers Dream!
Dr. Horacio Lewis (Pro-Humanity Activist) Seeker
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by Horacio Lewis PhD ThD
The recent article published in U.S. newspapers: “Dreamers’ aren’t giving up after DACA decision,” by Karlita Cruz is exactly what Americans (“Unitedstatesians”) need to understand. “I am not leaving. I have paid taxes and contributed to this country for years,” she emphasizes. Indeed, if she were deported, as President Donald Trump dictates, where would she go? Well, she would return to Knoxville, Tennessee, where she grew up. I can relate to her letter on many levels.
While I am blessed to be a naturalized U.S. citizen, I have family members who are “Dreamers,” who came here as children, brought by their parents who sought a better life for their offspring. Please hear what Ms. Cruz is saying to the rest of the world: The U.S is the dream; where there is “justice,” a place to live, food, soap, opportunities…Quite frankly, you probably would have done the same had you been her parents; I certainly would. The Statue of Liberty, our symbol of freedom (“give me your poor…”), invites people like Ms. Cruz to come to the United States. Her piece is timely, powerful and hits the nail on the head.
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program), the President Barack Obama 2012 immigration policy by executive action known as DREAMers from the 2010 U.S. Congress’ defunct Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors act, constitutes up to 800,000 individuals who were brought here as children; born on June 16, 1981 or after.
Unlike many Unitedstatesians who take this country’s freedom for granted, most Dreamers are more committed to the preservation and development of this country. They know of their past and are grateful for their present and future; hence, they work hard, go to school, defend and protect this country; using more than one language! The loss of DACA workers would reduce U.S. gross domestic product by $433 billion over the next 10 years (locally in DE, almost $1 billion). They are probably more “American” than Americans!
Because of their thorough vetting when they arrived, I say, let them be free and come out of the darkness without fearing deportation or some other act of discrimination. Their status should be updated, and those with a clean record, as you will find with most, should be given a definite timeline for obtaining citizenship. Now, as for the “sins” of the parents whose crime was simply providing the best for their children, a fine or probation may be warranted or even incarceration/deportation if they are found to have committed a crime.
Now let’s turn the tables a bit. What if the Natives and the Mexicans (whose country included the southwest) had acquired power and decided to deport all Caucasians after ten twenty or more years of residing in what later became the United States, where would they go? Where would you go? Just a thought.
To add additional clarity to the tragedy that Dreamers face, I propose a Dreamers Day, where all businesses and schools (along with community agencies, churches…) select a date, say October 30, 2017, and allow all Dreamer supporters a two-hour period (12:00-2:00P.M.) to take to the streets and march with signs protesting the proposed deportation of Dreamers. The effect on the economy would be louder than words! Repeat this act a few times, and the President and Congress will do the “right thing.” Of course, writing and visiting your congressional delegations, et al., to remind them of their need to fix the law, is in order as well.
As for now, I say, Dreamers! Wake up! Demand your rights! Your Dream will survive for most Americans are on your side! What President Trump has done, is despicable, mean-spirited and evil.
And as for Trump’s great wall to keep out more brown Dreamers from the south, will we ever hear of one to keep out white Dreamers from Canada and elsewhere?