Was It a Let Down?
Jan Vincent
What would solving your people problems mean to your business? We are your business and talent development guides helping you create a workplace where everything clicks.
Were you filled with hope when you introduced a Type Indicator, DISC style or other 4-Quadrant personality test into your selection and hiring process?
Was it a letdown when the candidates you hired based on these test results did not live up to your expectations? Did your frustration lead you to conclude that assessments don't work?
Disc-type personality tools are excellent when used in the correct application - we use them all the time to help employees enhance their communication skills and to build effective teams where everything clicks. These tests should not be used for selection and hiring.
When selecting a strong assessment instrument, you want to rule out tests that compare the individual to him or herself rather than comparing the individual to a larger population.
Always look for assessment tools that have the largest population studies for validation and reliability ...along with ongoing research so the population number keeps rising.
Like having the right person in the right seat on the bus, using the right tool for the right purpose can make an amazing and measureable impact on your hiring and talent management expectations and goals.