let all of us repent

Call to repentance to all of Us!!!!

The aftermath of Corona will be great revival and restoration. Do not expect things to go the old ways. For God is about to renew your mind. Our old ways of relationships that are based on strife, subjugation and injustice has angered God. No nation is immune of the blemish, and the injustice committed in the world. When the blood of the innocent was shed we were silent and acted hypocritically. We have seen the death of innocent children and women in many parts of the world because of various reasons, some natural and some man made. We have not stood for justice and fair trails on those who committed the crime. Through the unjust war we evicted millions of people; we acted atrociously killing of poor people as much as we can, deafened our ears to the cry of the poor. The blood of the innocent is in our hands. To fulfill our selfish political agendas, we sacrificed the lives of young people.

Our hands are washed with pure blood of the innocent. And the souls of the innocent have taken us into the court of heaven. The cry of the blood of the innocent is heard in heaven. For we have done all these to fulfill our insatiable selfish ambitions.

We have prioritized our interests ignoring the plight of the poor. The world is full of injustice. It is time to repent for every world leader. Each day while we are promoting our political agendas we are loosing the lives of the vulnerable. We do not have that sense of humanity when we report the number of dead people from our political indecision that lacked the right wisdom.

Know that it is time to alien with God through repentance so that our Lord Jesus Christ turns the current dire situation to our goodness. As we repent our personal sins, we have to also repent our national sins. For every nation in the world is condemned for the sin each one of us have committed against God and humanity. It is time to practice praxis and do away the old ways of thinking. Let us sit in repentance see what went worse and what went well in our lives. Let us sit to examine why we acted inhumanly while we could have done something good? Let us sit down and reflect what is wrong with humanity that we could not see all human beings as one and the same. Let us sit down and examine ourselves while we have one source of humanity, why we promoted racism, ethnic division and racial difference to promote our agenda of economic and political oppression. What are the reasons that we are resorting to our animal instincts that becoming more human to kill and destroy one another? We need reflective platforms to community dialogue promoting the ideals Christ has taught us in the New Testament. Let us promote the ideals of shalom community as foreseen by Jesus himself. Let us learn to unlearn the old ways of human relationship so that we exhibit the kingdom of God in earth. Our leaders need to unlearn their thinking of enslaving others and propagating serfdom. We would like to see the world leaders selflessness, their incarnational actions and servant like attitude rather than bossing us into demise and disaster. Will the world see such leaders as Jesus exampled even in the church?

I am writing random thoughts that boggles my mind. Can you say something that is in your mind answering some of my honest questions?

God bless all!!

Let us pray for our nation Ethiopia, the United States of America and Eritrea and the whole world. Our God is the history maker and Let’s turn to Him, seeking His face to know His will!!!

Be blessed share it!!!!

It is my plessure to mension you more ,but no words can present of my feelings. I wish you much blessings and your family at all. May God Bless you. Thanks for your perspectives of God side than ever!!!



