Let acuity lead the way

Let acuity lead the way

Motorists need good visual acuity, right? Aka sharp vision.

In life, if your sight isn’t quite right, it needs fixing.

Well, right now we’re like drivers on an unknown road. And it’s dark and misty. So to keep ourselves safe, we’ve got to invest in a good pair of glasses or binoculars (maybe even a telescope).

So, if you’ve lost some vision along the way – you’re not alone.  

We’ve all seen the videos. Mother earth has said ‘stop’. She needs to heal. And just like that, we’re being forced to stop, re evaluate and re calibrate our lives. In a big way.

Acuity is my new favourite word and resonates deeply with me as we move through this time of panic, pandemic and problem solving.

Acuity is the sharpness or keenness of thought, vision and hearing you need for now. We need to be listening to what’s happening around us. We need to be listening hard to what our customers are saying.

When things go back to ‘normal’, it’s definitely going to be a very different kind of ‘normal.’ Now’s the time to do things differently. To see things differently. And to think differently.  Feelings of anxiety and fear tend to leave you powerless.

Now’s the time to pivot with acuity

My message here is to business owners. But especially to those that are going to be hit the hardest and may fail to recover due to over-indebtedness or the inability to pivot and adapt.

Those that muster up the strength and courage to keep on keeping-on, despite what has descended on the human race, will survive.

2008 was an electric chair experience for many. We saw many business casualties because of the recession. And now we’ve been handed a pandemic and a rapid evolution of technology all at once.

I’ve felt the devastating effects of recession and the effects of tech disruption first hand.

By the end of 2009 I had closed my publishing company. It was a painful experience – I was highly leveraged and couldn’t trade my way out of the situation. Reduced sales, swanky office rentals and high debt repayments were insurmountable hurdles. The process was stressful and emotional, especially as I had to let my staff go – a very hard call to make for any business owner.

But, I recovered and adapted and reinvented. And had done my digital pivot by 2011.

In times of high stress and panic, it’s good to have a solid sounding-board while going through the uncertainty facing your business.

How do you bring in sales? How do you manage debt? Staff cuts? How do you reimagine a new way of doing business? Or do you try and push through by doing business as usual, even though you are highly leveraged? Will you be able to fund new investments, even if you had a plan? Are you considering looking at getting more indebted, signing for sureties or notarial bonds? 

The list goes on – don’t let desperate times make you make desperate decisions.

What you can do

·Clean up your accounts, make calculated decisions, be prepared. Leveraging effectively limits a company’s options, forcing your hand and leaving you little room to act opportunistically.

· Use me as your sounding board and I’ll give you those spectacles you need to see clearly. How are you meant to unlock revenues if you can’t see where the hell you’re going?

· Book your FREE 30-minutes online call. Let me help you navigate your way to future revenues.

Go to The Revenue Unlocker website and book a slot on our calendar.

We’re all in this together.


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