Lester W. Strock Award presented to Prof. Mike Angel
The Lester W. Strock Award is given by the New England Section of the Society of Applied Spectroscopy in recognition of a selected publication of substantive research in/or application of analytical atomic spectrochemistry in the fields of earth science, life sciences, or stellar and cosmic sciences.
Mike Angel is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of South Carolina where he has held the Fred M. Weissman Palmetto Chair in Chemical Ecology since 2005 and named a Carolina Trustee Professor in 2013. He received his PhD from North Carolina State University in 1985 and carried out Postdoctoral work with Tomas Hirschfeld at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Angel’s research group works mainly in the areas of remote and in-situ laser spectroscopy with a focus on deep-ocean, planetary, and homeland security applications of Raman and LIBS. Recent work includes developing the spatial heterodyne Raman spectrometer (SHRS), and exploring miniature SHS spectrometers for deep UV Raman, remote Raman and LIBS, underwater LIBS, and for use on future planetary landers and SmallSats.
Photo: From left, Richard Crocombe (New England SAS), Mike Angel and Rob Lascola (2019 SAS President).
Congratulations Mike!