Lest We Forget - A Tale of Two Uncles
Today is November 11, and we pause at 11:00 to remember those who fought for this country. How will you remember?
I will remember this year in particular, with the passing of my friend's Uncle at the age of 99. As a teenager, I would go up to the Farm of my friends. Uncle Leonard was often up there. A friendly and energetic soul, he welcomed me even from my first visit to the Farm.
I never knew he served in WWII until a few years ago. He fought alongside his brother and cousin as part of a secret unit called Force 136. These soldiers were sent behind enemy lines to organize and support local resistance fighters and help with espionage and sabotage. Upon returning home, their efforts in the war contributed to the Chinese being granted full citizenship and equal rights in Canada. For more on Secret Force 136, see the link here https://www.ccmms.ca/features/the-story-of-force-136/
And yes, for those who do not know the history of the Chinese in Canada, the Chinese did not have the right to vote until 1947. And it is thanks to those Chinese Canadians who fought in the War.
Which brings me to the Tale of Uncle Number 2. My husband’s Uncle Glen is a friendly, energetic, kind and welcoming person full of wonderful stories of his life. We visited him in Vancouver in my late 20s, and he shared one of his stories as a WWII Veteran. He enlisted because he wanted to fight for freedom for both Canada and for Canadian Chinese to have the right to vote. He enlisted in the Air Force and was assigned to be a gunner but later was switched to a radio operator. ?After the dim sum, we walked over to the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden and there in the garden was a beautiful tribute listing the Chinese Canadian Men and Women who fought in WWII so that Canadian Chinese would have the right to vote.
I felt a sense of pride for Uncle Glen and all the other Chinese Canadians who fought during the war. Years later, I came to realize that I knew others on that wall, my dear friend’s Uncle Len.
?So on this Remembrance Day, I will be remembering 2 men, in particular, Uncle Len and Uncle Glen, who fought in the War for our freedom. Thank you for your bravery and courage. I will always remember you both fondly.