Rev. Daniel Bramlett
Minister at Total Spiritual Development Addiction Counselor
We need others to talk with at times;To do this we need to truly listen and observe...God gave human beings one mouth and two ears in hopes we would listen twice as much as we speak...I believe to honor God that the best gift we can give anyone is to listen, without interruption, understand without judgment. I also believe that at times the strongest words go unspoken...Listen and be silent for knowledge is not in those who speak but in the wisdom of those who observe...Everything has a purpose, its just up to you to find it...Good or bad, what you focus on affects your thoughts...What you think about affects your feelings...How you feel will affect you, and everyone around you...I've come to the realization that we all die alone...It's living alone that's hard...Please avoid this by knowing that real people aren't perfect...and perfect people aren't real...Learn to look for the good things without expecting perfection...life doesn't give us the people we want, it gives us the people we need...to love us, to hate us, to make us, to break us and to always make us the person that we were meant to be...Never take for granted the gift of love... Life takes it's turns sometimes when we least expect it...We need to make every moment precious and meaningful...We should always show others that Though we don't have much to share...we do have, Ears to listen, A shoulder to cry on, Arms to always hug, A heart to feel ones pain, Lips to talk and a helping hand if needed..."No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can take it out and make you as clean as freshly fallen snow." Isaiah 1:18...Stop being mean, bad-tempered and angry, . Instead, be kind to each other.forgiving one another, Just as God has forgiven you.Ephesians 4:17-32...Rev Daniel Bramlett