The Lessons We Can Learn from Business in the Pandemic

The Lessons We Can Learn from Business in the Pandemic

It is no secret that since March of 2020 much of our lives and work has been shaped by an invisible enemy. Of course, I’m referring to COVID-19, for over a year we have been at the will of the virus and so much of our way of life has been drastically changed by it. This is no different for the world of business, and especially the world of tendering which has been drastically impacted by the spread of coronavirus. There are however a few silver linings that we can glean from this difficult and challenging time that can help businesses as we go forward in a world no longer in the clenched grip of the virus.

Working on any projects in the last 18 months has required an immense amount of logistical thinking and businesses who have had to rearrange their plans to fulfil a tender to keep in line with restrictions will have gained something incredibly valuable. They will have gained the ability to work efficiently and effectively in seriously restrictive and challenging circumstances. This ability instils resilience and determination in a business which will make them a great partner for future businesses looking for partners to tender with. By ensuring you have succeeded in fulfilling your pre-pandemic business agreements and tenders amidst the rapidly changing landscape of work in a pandemic you have proven yourself as a viable and resourceful candidate for any future tender you bid for.

Another silver lining of the pandemic is that businesses have learned the importance more greatly of risk assessments and we all probably have a greater awareness of doing them. The pandemic made businesses place a new central focus on health and safety to prevent the spread of COVID-19, this meant they had to think more carefully about how to ensure safe working conditions for their staff. This hopefully is something that post-coronavirus businesses are more centrally focussed on and the importance placed on risk assessments in bids for tenders is more widely and greatly appreciated for its importance.?

The impact of COVID-19 may also significantly be an understanding of how to best handle emergency situations such as staff absences, supply chain delays, and other similar situations that became more frequent during the pandemic. Businesses have a better course of action for when these situations occur, understanding that it is better to be proactive and have contingency plans in place for when such things happen instead of reacting haphazardly as these issues emerge. This sense of preparedness is essential for businesses who tender and will put you as a potential winner of a bid in good stead to prove you are well organised and prepared for a number of different eventualities that may hinder your ability to meet deadlines.

Overall the past 18 months have been incredibly hard for all of us, the frequent lockdowns, the distance from others, and for many of us, the grief that has been a part of our lives means that we all would rather not look back on 2020 and much of 2021. We do however need to respect that we all got through the pandemic and learned a few things along the way that can help us going forward be more efficient and effective in our professional lives.


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